Oh No!

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Chapter 13:

Jada's POV

"We should go home and sleep, it's almost 7," Dean said to me.

"Wait... What did you just say?" I asked completely shocked. I wasn't tired anymore that's for sure.

"It's almost... Oh... Oh, No!" Dean realized what I was saying now and the others looked at him with a confused face, "Look guys we got to go!"

"Why?" Steph asked.

"My meeting with Vince starts in," I looked at the clock,"10 minutes."

Me and Dean didn't even say goodbye. We just started running to the car.

"You're coming in their with me, right?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked. As he sped out of the parking lot and down the road. The arena wasn't far so we could get their just in time,"Think we can make it?"

"I know we can make it," I stated.

"I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again, I love you," he said and I started blushing.

"Awe, Dean, I love you, too!" I said just wanting to kiss him.

"Diva or no Diva," he said, "You're the one for me... I just wanted to make that clear."

I couldn't help, but to just stare at him and smile like a complete idiot, "You're getting it when we get out of this car!"

"Getting what?" He asked laughing.

"You'll see," I said as we pulled into the parking lot and he chose a spot. It was 6:55.

"Should I be scared?" He said pulling his keys out of the ignition.

"I don't know should you?" I said opening the car door and getting out.

"With you anything can happen," he said, "I like it when your unpredictable."

I couldn't stand it anymore. I ran up to him and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him. Once we were done I jumped down and we walked inside holding hands. This was the first time we were going public.

We walked into the arena and saw Vince at the desk right away.

"Good to see you again!" Vince said looking at me then at mine and Deans intertwined hands, "Are you two-?" He cut himself off.

"Yes," Dean answered and I nodded in agreement.

"If I would have known this, well, never mind," Vince said, "I can fit only one person in my office."

Dean nodded as if saying I could go and I left Dean and followed Vince to his office. His office was pretty big so I figured he was lying before.

"Um, why couldn't Dean come?" I asked sitting in the chair in front of his spotless desk. The only thing on it was a folding with Jordyn on it.

"Because there is something in here that you might want to tell him on your own," he said. I could realize it myself that I had the most puzzled look on my face.

"Alright, what are we gonna talk about first?" I asked ignoring his last statement.

"We are going to talk about debut dates first," he said opening the folder and pulling out the sheet. He turned it around so it was facing me,"Your debut is on Monday, so in three days, your gonna come out at the end of the show."

"Alright, but why the end?" I asked.

"When we talk about storylines I will get to that," he said govif me the sheet and taking out another one, "So, from what I've seen from you on Divas Search, you're kind of country with a kick, am I right?"

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