New and Improved.

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Chapter 14

*Stephanie's POV*

"Seth, I don't wanna go." I whined as I hung onto him and the sheets. Seth chuckled and placed a kiss on my forehead. He hugged me tight for a bit and then let go.

"Steph, get ready to go. The meeting's soon." He said as he kissed my hand. I looked up into his eyes and spoke,"can't I just stay here?"

He smiled and kissed my lips.

"No, you need to talk to Vince. He's your boss too."

"At least come with me."I whined as I scooted closer to him and intertwined my fingers with his. Seth chuckled and smiled, "alright. Get ready though."

And with that, he got out of the bed first while I stayed sprawled on the bed. He grabbed my hands and pulled me off the bed. He shook his head and started to laugh. I was way too lazy to do anything. Within moments, I was off the bed and in his arms. He kissed me quickly on the lips and spoke, "you know, we haven't gone of our date yet."

"Going to the meeting will be it!" I said laughing as I got out off his arms went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then changed back into my clothes. After I changed into my clothes, seth took a quick shower and changed as well. Once we were both done, we made our way out of the hotel room and into the lobby. We waited a few minutes for Jada and Dean, but they didn't show.


Hey Steph, I'm gonna meet you at the office. Go on without me, I'll be there soon.

I read the message aloud for Seth to hear and he decided it would be best to call a cab. Within a few moments, the cab was outside and we walked outside towards the cab. Seth opened the door for me and I walked past him. He then walked past me and opened the cab door. I couldn't help, but laugh and say, "Such a gentleman!"

He laughed as well and I got in the car. He followed as well and told the cabbie the address.

Once we arrived at the office where I was supposed to be meeting Vince. I was starting to freak out a bit. Sure, I had met Vince, but scared that he called me. Had I done something wrong? Don't tell me he saw the Twitter battle?!? I took a deep breath and tried to relax. Seth notice my uneasiness and gave me a side hug. He quickly kissed my head and then pushed me into Vince's office. Dammit Rollins!!

"Ahhh, Stephanie! Come in, and take a seat. We've got a few things to talk about." Spoke Vince as he signaled for me to sit and cupped his hands together. I took a seat right in front of him and crossed my legs. He smiled at me and then began to speak,"How're you adjusting to the WWE? Well I suppose?"

"Yeah, most of the divas and superstars are really nice and easy-going." I replied intertwining my own fingers. He nodded for a bit and then looked back at me and stated, "I like how you said most. Not all. I understand that. Clearly from Twitter, it is to my understanding that you don't get along with Naomi or Tamina. Is that correct?" He asked as he got up and got a bottle of water from a small cooler. I nodded and began to speak, "we've just never been on good terns and she really made fun of Jada and I. We just snapped."

Vince and nodded. He then spoke again and said, "well, I'd like to make your match true; however next Monday. Jada debuts this Monday."

"Okay! It's gonna be great." I replied as I smiled and he continued to smile.

"Steph, I'm making you and Jada do promos for a full on fued with them for diva tag team titles."

"But the tag team titles for divas don'-"

"They do now and as well as Mixed Gender Championship titles." He interrupted as he began to look for files on his desk. He quickly found the folder and then handed it to me.

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