Chapter 2

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Bruce and Mary are standing with Natasha on the Helicarrier landing strip. They watch as Agent Phil Couslon gets off the helicwrtier with Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. Mary knows who he is, she knew him before HYDRA took her. Her little sister, Naomi, was a major fan but she died of cancer five years ago.

"Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers," Phil introducers.

"Ma'am?" Steve quizzes.

"Hi," Natasha greets the attractive superhero and she turns to Phil. "They need you on the bridge. Face time."

"See you there," Phil says. "Mary Barnes. It's good to see you again."

"You too, Phil."

Phil sends her a smile and he walks away. Natasha and Steve walk on. Mary goes ahead to Bruce and she touches his arm. She can tell he's very nervous. He places a hand over hers as Steve and Natasha walk over.

"Dr. Banner," Steve says as he walks over. He shakes Bruce's hand.

"Oh, yeah. Hi," Bruce greets. "They told me you'd be coming."

"Word is you can find the cube," Steve claims.

"Is that the only word on me?" Bruce asks.

Steve hums. "The only word I care about.'

Bruce takes in that sentiment. "Must be strange for you," he claims, "all of this."

"Well," Steve responds, "this is actually kind of familiar."

"Miss Barnes, Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside in a minute," Nat warns. "It's gonna get a little hard to breathe."

Suddenly, the helifarrier starts shaking as it prepares to fly 'sail'.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asks.

"Really?" Bruce asks. "They wanted me submerged in a pressurized metal container?"

"Don't worry," Mary says as she walks close to him, "you'll be fine. I'm here."

Bruce mods and they watch as the lift fans mounted on the side start to lift into the air in VTOL flight. Steve and Mary watch in awe, Bruce smiles.

"Oh, no," he says. "This is much worse." He looks at Mary. "You better have that siren tune and that banshee scream in sync."

"You taught me, remember?" Mary smirks. "I'll be fine."

"I'm not worried about you," Bruce says.

Mary is about to ask but then she remembers. "Ahh. Yeah. I'll take care of him, too, don't worry."

"Let's hope you can," Bruce mutters and he winces when Mary glares at him.

"Mary, I need to talk to you later," Natasha says.

"Okay," Mary replies.

She, Steve, and Bruce walk through the glorious, gleaming bridge. It takes them to the science console. Nick Fury is found there. He offers Mary a smile and she smiles back as she looks around.

"Miss Barnes, Gentlemen," Fury greets them.

Steve hands Fury ten dollars. He had made a statement earlier when he was approached about never being surprised again. Fury walks over to Mary first.

"How confident are you in your skills, Ms. Barnes?" Fury asks. He had to force himself not to call her Mrs. Barton like he did the last time he saw her in person, the time she didn't have the enhancement, she was just Clint's civilian wife.

"I'm pretty confident, sir, I'm still learning how to merge each skill together," Mary says. "But I'm still pretty confident.'

"That's good," Fury says as he smiles at her. "Thank you for coming."

"Ever since my brother got me out of HYDRA and I found Bruce, I've wanted to use my new powers to help people, the planet," Mary replies strongly. "I'm happy to be her, sir."

"That's good to hear," Fury replies and he goes to Bruce, shaking his hand. "Doctor, thank you for coming."

'Thanks for asking nicely," Bruce replies sarcastically and Mary elbows him in the rigs, he narrows his eyes and she mouths 'be pleasant' and he sighs. He turns back to Fury. "So, uh... how long am I staying?"

"Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the clear," Fury replies.

"Where are we with that?" Bruce and Mary ask at the same time.

No one had realized how close Bruce and Mary actually grew in their two years together. He's like an older brother to her now.

Fury turns to Agent Coulson while Natasha calls Mary over to her.

"Stay calm," Mary whispers to Bruce. "If you need me..."

"I'll let you know."

"He- why is Clint on the screen?"

"It's why I wanted to talk to you, Mary," Nat says. "The person who took the Tesseract is called Loki. He's using it or something to control people."

Mary sighs, putting two and two together. Before she got abducted by HYDRA and disappeared, she worked as a evidence analyst in a hospital. She's fairly smart. She's nowhere near as smart as Bruce or her favorite billionaire, Tony Stark, but she's in that category. It's why Bruce trained her in medicine instead of analyzing samples.

"Loki has control over Clint," Mary says.

"Your siren tune can get his head straight as soon as we find them," Nat says.

"I've never had to use it on one person before," Mary says. "I know how to separate my siren tune from my banshee scream, but..."

"You're Mary Barnes," Nat muses. "You've got this."

"We're sweeping everything wirelessly accessible to camera on the planet," Coulson says after Natasha has filled Mary in on Clint. "Cellphones, laptops. If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us."

"That's still not gonna find them in time," Natasha says.

"You have to narrow the field," Bruce comments. "How many spectrometers do you have access to?"

"How many are there?" Fury asks.

"Call every lab you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays," Bruce instructs. "I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

"Agent Romanoff, would to show Dr. Banner to his laboratory please?" Fury asks.

Natasha nods. "You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys," Natasha says and she leads him down the hall.

Mary looks at the screen at Clint. "How long has Loki been controlling Clint?"

"Since he got the Tesseract," Fury replies and he walks over. "Will you be able to work this and keep your emotions separate, Ms. Barnes?"

"Yes, sir," Mary replies firmly.

"Good," Fury says.

Mary walks away and she starts to look around the submarine. She finds a gym and she finds Steve working out.

"Mind if I join you?" The strawberry blonde hybrid experiment asks.

"I don't mind," Steve replies. "Want me to hold the punching bag?"

Mary tapes her hands. "Please. I might need combat. I don't like using my scream or tune. They kill my throat."

Steve grips onto the bag. His muscles flex as Mary hits the bag. She carries a strong punch. Steve smiles mentally to himself; Mary Francine Barnes will make one hell of a superhero.

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