Chapter 33

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"Drop to 2600," Sam says to Mary and she follows his instructions, "heading 0-3-0. I hop you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."

Sam lands the plane and they work on descend the Quinjet.

"Should we bow?" Bruce asks Rhodey.

"Yeah, he's a king," Rhodey replies.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," Steve says to T'Challa and shakes the man's hand, the King's hand.

"What are you doing?" Rhodey asks when Bruce bows and Bruce stands awkwardly.

"Uh, we don't do that here," T'Challa says, he dissuades with a motion of his hand. "So how big of an assault can we expect?"

The group begins to walk back the way it came to greet the guests, leaving T'Chala and Oyoke.

"Uh, sir, I think you can expect quite a big assault," Bruce claims.

"Joe we looking?" Steve asks.

"You will have my King's Guard," T'Challa says, "the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..."

Mary gapes as she sees her brother walking over.

"A semi-stable, 100-year-old man." Bucky looks at Mary. "Hey, sis." He smiles. "Come on."

Mary laughs and she runs to Bucky's open arms. He's no longer the Winter Soldier, he's the White Wolf now. It suits him a lot better. He also finally got to meet Clark. He met him when he met Rosalie at the Avengers' place when she was born. He also saw him again on the day of Clint and Mary's wedding.

"This is the sister," T'Challa says.

"Yes, this is Mary Barton," Bucky replies. "She's three years younger than me." He shakes Steve's hand in greeting and Steve nods.

"How have you been, Buck?" Steve asks as Bucky refuses to releases his sister.

"Uh, not bad, for the end of the world," Bucky replies. "Hey, sis, I'll show you around later, okay? Maybe you can bring Rosalie and Clark by."

They head inside to Shuri's lab. Vision is laying on a table. Bruce and Shuri stand over him, the others watch. Shuri scans the stone and studies the hologram.

"Whoa," Shuri says. "The structure is polymorphic."

"Right," Bruce says, "we had to attach neuron non-sequentially."

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Shuri quizzes.

Bruce stares for a moment. "Because... we didn't think of it."

Shuri smiles. "I'm sure you did your best."

"Ar fi bine împreună, nu crezi?" Bucky whispers to his sister. She smiles and she agrees in Romanian.

"Can you do it?" Wanda asks aloud.

"Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here," Shuri replies. "One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." She turns to T'Challa. "It will take time, brother."

"How long?" Steve asks.

"As long as you can give me," Shuri says,

Okoye is looking at a device that just alerted her. "Something's entered the atmosphere," she alerts the others.

Sam, Bucky, and Mary hurry outside and they look up at the sky.

"Hey, Cap," Sam says through the comms, "we got a situation here."

The defense shield around Wakanda destroys one of the vessels entering the atmosphere.

"God, I love this place," Bucky murmurs. "I was serious, Mary. Bring Clark and Rosalie by. They'll love it here."

"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys," Sam says. "We got more incoming outside the dome."

Vision appears beside the window with the others. "It's too late," they say. "We need to destroy the stone now."

Natasha turns to vision. "Vision, get your ass back on that table," she scolds them.

"We will hold them off," T'Challa says.

Steve looks at Wanda to address her. "Wanda, as soon as the stone's out of his head... you blow it to hell."

"I will," Wanda says with a nod.

"Evacuate the city. A gage all defends procedures," T'Challa demands and he points to Steve. "And get this man a shield."

"Hey, Mary, suit up," Bucky says and he watches as she taps her watch and her suit materializes around her.

"I love nano-tech," she muses.

"You need to make me one of those," Bucky says. "Just make sure it's compatible with my metal arm."

"I'm actually working on one," Mary admits. "Have been since you came out as White Wolf to me."

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