Chapter 9

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"I'm never, ever, ever, ever, ever leaving you ever again," Clint says as he gazes down at his girl's naked body that's coveted in a sheet

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"I'm never, ever, ever, ever, ever leaving you ever again," Clint says as he gazes down at his girl's naked body that's coveted in a sheet.

He and Mary are dating again, they're not engaged or married, just dating. He's wanting to take it slow this time, he doesn't want to lose her. Never again.

"You better not," Mary replies. "Do we have to go?" She pouts. "I'm all naked."

"Oh, I know you are," Clint replies and Mary smiles up at him. "Get your fine ass up, Mary Francine."

She does. Clint groans when Mary throws the sheet off and starts walking around their apartment in New York naked. They moved out of that house and came up here together.

"Woman!" Clint scolds.

Mary giggles from another room. Clint smiles and he runs to go find her.

Hawkeye and Screaming Woman join up with Black Widow once they're morning rendezvous and now they're in deep crap. While Screaming Woman screams to get some people off their asses, Hawkeye uses his archery skills. Black Widow is glad that the two are the epic duo again but she's keeping her focus else right now, like driving and kicking ass.

Even Thor is here, also Captain America, and iron man. Hulk is here, too. As the Humvee is turning over; Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Screaming Woman jump out of it as Hulk joins their sides.

"Shit!" Tony grunts through the coms as he runs into something invisible.

"Language," Captain America scolds. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," Jarvis explains. "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

"If the one in Russia I was in was like this, I'd have never gotten out," Screaming Woman says to those who're listening.

"Loki's scepter must be here," Thor says as he fights off some soldiers. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it." He then gets his hammer back in his hand after it had fallen out.

When Black Window blows up a military Humvee, Screaming Woman blows one off the road with her sonic waves. She's gotten much more powerful, especially now that she has the combining them down Pat after that war in Manhattan against Loki. She does some combat while Hawkeye shoots his arrows.

"I think we lost the element of surprise," Hawkeye says through the combs.

"Wait a second," Ironman says. "No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language'?"

"He said it to Hawkeye the other night over dinner," Screaming Woman muses. "He said -"

"Don't," Captain America cuts Screaming Woman off and she laughs over the coms, "repeat it." Captain America does a flop and he throws the motorcycle he's on at the Humvee with HYDRA soldiers on it and clips it. "Just... slipped out. This time and at dinner."

Hawkeye and Screaming Woman lock eyes and she huffs. Hulk picks Screaming Woman up as he runs by. Hawkeye smirks as he runs, he forgets about how close Screaming Wiman / Mary is with Hulk / Bruce. Screaming Woman does her usual kneeling on Hulk's shoulder.

Hawkeye says they have an enhanced person in the field. Hulk let's Screaming Woman down and she runs to Hawkeye's aid and Hulk rams down the enhanced HYDRA person. They won't know Screaming Woman because she was enhanced in the Soviet Union in Russia.

Ironman works on getting inside and he gets the drawbridge down.

"Hey, baby," Hawkeye greets when he sees his girl.

"You're always getting yourself hurt, huh?"

"You're never gonna let me live down stabbing myself in the foot with an arrow, are you?"

"What?" Black Widow laughs.

"It was the day after we moved to New York," Hawkeye says. "This woman decided to distract me while I was cleaning one and took her shirt off."

"You always pay attention to the arrows and not me, so..."

Hawkeye rolls his eyes and Black Widow smiles at them.

"Ah, the epic couple. I'm so glad you two are together again," she says. She tells the others in the coms that Clint took a pretty nasty hit and they're gonna need an evac for him.

Screaming Woman whirls around and she screams at some incoming soldiers, mixing her siren song in with it. She's keeping them away from Clint for as long as possible. Thor and Captain America work together and when Thor flies away, Tony scolds Captain America about his language.

She waves a hand over her watch and Mary shakes herself. She does a siren lullaby to knock the other soldiers out before they can think about moving in.

"Now tame Hulk," Widow says.

Mary nods and she finds him. "Hey, green man." She sends a siren tune through his Hulk ears and the green man starts to calm down.

Hulk walks over and he gently touches her face with his large green hand. He huffs and he runs off, calm now.

"You two are close," Widow says.

"He helped me through a lot after I escaped Hydra," Mary says. "I owe him my life."

She runs over to Bruce when he's back.

"Hey, you," Bruce says as he sees Mary. "Thanks."

"Anytime," Mary replies. "You're my brother, Bruce."

Mary helps him up as Captain America heads inside and he ends up meeting an enhanced female called Wanda. Mary goes back to Clint and she holds his hand, she rides out with evac when they show up.

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