Chapter 25

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Steve and Mary approach Sam, who is sitting at the counter of a coffee shop. Sam knows why Mary is here, Bucky is her brother. She hasn't seen him since he helped her get free from the Russian HYDRA plant. Sam is one of the things from their era that Mary remembers, she remembers him and Mary and their close bond, but nothing else.

"She tell you to stay out of it?" Sam asks Steve. "Might have a point."

Steve and Sam are in caps and shades. Mary is wearing some sweatpants and a hoodie with her sneakers on. She got dressed in a hurry after hearing her brother's name on the news.

"He'd do it for me or for Mary," Steve says.

"1945, maybe," Sam says. "I just want to make sure we considered all our options. The people that shoot at you usually end up shooting me and now Mary Barnes is with us."

Sharon Carter, Peggy Carter's niece, walks over to them and stands by Steve. "Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public," she says. "Everybody things the Winter Soldier goes to their gun. Makes the most noise. Except for this." She hands Steve a file. "My boss expects a beefing, pretty much now... so that's all the head start you're gonna get."

"Thank you," Steve says to her kindly.

"And you're gonna have to hurry," Sharon warns. "We have orders to shoot on sight."

"Cap..." Mary says as she turns to him when Sharon walks away. "I haven't seem my brother since he saved me from HYDRA; that was a couple years ago. I can't lose him again." 

Sam wraps an arm around the girl. He remembers Bucky and Mary, the epic siblings of the 40's.

In a motel room, a Russian called Zemo is readying from Karpov's red book.

'Возвращение на Родину. Возвращение на Родину. Один. Олин. Грузовой вагон..." there is a knocking at the door. He puts the book back in the drawer and grabs the gun from where it was tucked into the back of his trousers. Zemo opens the door.
(Homecoming. One. One. Fright car.)

"Herr Müller," a German innkeeper says, "ich habe ihr Frühstück."
(Mr. Müller, I have your breakfast.)

"Ich konnte es schon von weitem," Zemo replies in German. "Danke."
(I could smell it before I opened the door. Thank you.)

"Speck und schwarzer Kaffe. Wieder. Ich kann ihnen auch was anderes machen, wenn Sie das möchten," says the innkeeper.
(Side of bacon and black coffee. Again. I can make you something different, if you like.)

"Bitte sehr, das ist wunderbar," Zemo replies.
(It's okay. This is wonderful.)

The innkeeper leaves him.

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