Chapter 16

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"Anything on Nat?" Mary asks as Tony enters the lab.

"I haven't heard but she's alive," Tony replies, "or Ultron would be rubbing it in our faces."

Clint slides off the device that Ultron had and he walks around it as Bruce, Clint, and Mary walk over. Mary is still upset with Clint for thinking it'd be okay he not tell her that they were going to Laura's. She and Laura are good now and she adores the kids, but Clint withheld that information from Mary on purpose, even though she knew about them and the safe house.

"It's sealed tight," Clint says.

"We're gonna have to access the program to break it down from within," Mary adds.

Tony turns to Clint. "Any chance that Natasha might leave you a message outside the internet? Old school spy stuff?"

Mary goes to the computer areas to search the city and Clint comes in.

"Do you know how to find internet free messages?" Clint asks.

"Yeah," Mary replies. "Let's go see if we can find any."

"Hey, are we ok?" Clint asks.

"I just wish you'd have told me where we were going," Mary says. "It wasn't the fact you left me for her... you know what that enhanced girl put in my head, Clint."

"I know and I apologize a million times," Clint says as they go to the radio area and he sits down. Mary sits on his lap and he grabs the headphones. "Find the station for me."

Mary nods and she adjusts the knobs. Clint pants her hip to stop her. He moves her to where she's straddling him with her head in his neck as he gets in the computer. They look up and see Pietre and Wanda. Clint moves Mary off of him and shoots the glass, Pietre comes falling down.

"What? Didn't see that coming?" Clint mocks.

Upstairs, Tony works on suiting house and Bruce wraps arms around Wanda.

"Go ahead, piss me off," he warns.

Mary goes upstairs and she backs up when she sees Wanda. "No." She shakes her head. "No, why is she here?"

She sees Ironman and she screams to get Captain America away from Ironman. Thor comes in and he uses lightning to bust open the device and a red and silver man comes out. He stands up and slowly looks around at everyone. Clint pulls Mary behind him and she rolls her eyes at his protectiveness. He flies at Thor but the God throws him. He stops himself before he goes flying out the window leading outside. The thing stops and looks.

"Babe, stop, I'm fine," Mary says and he slowly moves.

They watch from the lab and Vision (the thing) stares out the window foe a long while before turning around. They walk over as Thor lays his hammer down and Pietre rushes over in a run. It's Wanda that Mary doesn't trust after that vision so when she walks over, she moves closer to Clint behind some more glass.

"Sorry," Vision says, black over their body now. "That was... odd." They turn to Thor. "Thank you." A cape then comes out.

"Thor." Captain America looks at the God. "You helped create this?"

"I've had a vision," Thor admits. "A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and how did center is that." He points to the yellow-ish gem in Vision's forehead.

"What, the gem?" Bruce asks.

"It's the mind stone," Thor says. "It's one of the six infinity stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

"And why would you bring -"

"Stark is right," Thor cuts in.

"Oh, it's definitely the end of times," Bruce comments.

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron," Vision says. "Not alone."

"Why does tour vision sound like Jarvis?" Capp asks.

"We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to create something new," Tony says.

"I think I had my fill of new."

"You think I'm a child of Ultron," Vision says as they walk and turn to face the people surrounding.

"You're not?"

"I'm not altering," Vision replies. "I'm not Jarvis. I am..."

"I looked in your head," Wanda says, "and saw annihilation."

"Look again."

They all continue talking about Vision and the mind stone. Vision is on the side of life while Ultron is not. They said that Ultron is waiting for the Avengers in Sokovia or something. Vision says that everyone has to work together if they want to win this battle. He picks up Thor's hammer, surprisingly, and hands it to him.

Mary chases after Vision and they talk to her while she suits up to grab what she needs.

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