Chapter 31

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In Scotland, Vision and Wanda are sharing an apartment. Wanda us in bed while Vision, in a human glamor, watches out a window, Vision is holding his hand to the Mind Stone in pain

"Vis? Is it the stone again?" Wanda asks.

"It's as if it's speaking to me," Vision replies.

Wanda tilts her head slightly. "What does it say?"

"I don't... I don't know," Vision replies. "But something... tell me what you feel."

Wanda approaches them and she pressed her hand to the minds tone. She seems confused. "I just feel you."

Vision takes Wanda's hand and kisses it. They they kiss on the lips before they leave the apartment to take a stroll together.

"So there's a 10am to Glasgow to give us more time together before you went back," Wanda says.

"What if I miss that train?" Vision asks.

"There is an 11."

"What I missed all the trains?" Vision asks. "What if this time, I didn't go back?"

"You gave Stark your word," Wanda says.

"I'd rather give it to you," Vision says, looking at their precious scarlet witch.

"There are people who are expecting me too, you know," Wanda says. "We both made promises."

"Not to each other," Vision counters. "Wanda... for two years, we've stolen these moments, trying to see if this could work. And... I do,t know. You know what, I'm just gonna speak for myself. - I, I... I think..."

"It works," Wanda cuts them off.

"It works," Vision repeats.

"Then stay. Stay with me," Wanda urges and then there is a pause. "Or not. If I'm overstepping..."

Suddenly, Wanda notices the tv in a nearby bar announcing the invasion of New York, and the disappearance of Tony Stark.

"What are they?" Wanda asks.

"What the stone was warning me about," Vision replies. "I have to go."

"No, Vision," Wanda cuts in. "If that's true... them maybe going isn't the best idea."

"Wanda, I..."

Corvus Glaive appears suddenly behind Vision and stabs them through the back.

"Vision!" Wanda exclaims in shock and horror.

Proxima Midnight attacks Wanda from behind and knocks her away. Corvus Glaive pins Vision down using his weapon {a glaive} in an attempt to extract the mind stone from Vision's head. Wanda blasts both of them away. Then propels Vision and herself into a nearby courtyard where they rest in an alleyway,

"The blade," Vision says. "It stopped me from phasing."

"Is that even possible?" Wanda asks them.

"It isn't supposed to be," Vision replies. "My systems are failing. I'm beginning to think... we should have stayed in bed."

Corvus Glaive suddenly arrives, he knocks Wanda aside and grabs Vision.

"Vis!" Wanda exclaim.

Corvus flies away with Vision, pinning them to a wall. Meanwhile, Proxima engages Wanda and they begin to fight.

"Give up the Stone, and she lives," Corvus says to Vis.

Vision flies with Corvus to the roof what they think is a church. Proxima and Wanda are still fighting below. Vision shoots a beam from the mind stone at Corvus, who uses his glaive to deflect it back at Vision, causing them to slam into the wall behind him.

While Proxima and Wanda are fighting, two figures she's out of the shadows. A still hot Screaming Woman and a bearded Captain America have stepped into the light. While they (Proxima and Corvus) are distracted, Falcon swoops in and licks Proxima on Corvus. At the same time, Captain America throws Proxima's weapon to Black Widow, who is currently engaging Corvus. She stabs him in the gut and flings him backwards. Proxima, who has now recovered, summons her weapon back to her hand before she attacks Captain America and Screaming Woman until the scream sound waves send her flying back. Proxima was thrown back to where she's by Corvus.

"Get up," Proxima encourages.

"I can't," Corvus replies.

"We don't wanna kill you," Natasha says. "But we will."

"You'll never get the chance again," Proxima says.

Proxima and Corvus depart as they are beamed up.

"Can you stand?" Sam asks Vis.

"Thank you, Captain and Screaming Woman," Vision says to the duo who came in together from out of the shadows.

Steve and Mary have been working together for the last two years when she's not with Clint, Clark, and their now eight month old daughter Rosalie Nicole Barton. Rosalie is normal, like Clint, she doesn't have Mary's attributes, that was left for Clark.

"Let's get you to the jet," Steve says.

They get onto the Quinjet.

"I thought we had a deal," Nat says to Wanda as she closes the jet doors. "Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances."

"I'm sorry," Wanda says. "We just wanted time."

"Where to, Cap?" Sam asks as Mary hits a button and she's dressed in her day clothes again and she joins Sam in the pilot's part; they added a second chair to this one because Mary's been learning flying.

"Home," Steve replies.

Sam nods and the quinjet takes off.

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