Chapter 14

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They suit up and they go to Ultron. Screaming Woman is with Black Widow and Hawkeye while Ironman, Captain America, and Thor go to where Ultron, Wanda, and Pietre are at. Wanda has some kind of red mist, she's a scarlet witch, and her twin is super fast. They were enhanced at a HYDRA facility in Germany.

The two metal men clash after Ultron hurts Ironman. The twins glare down when Screaming Woman screams. They stop. She's been enhanced like them. They look at each other and they rush down to her.

"Enhanced vs. Enhanced?" Screaming Woman tilts her head to the side. "Which is better: one serum or two?"

They start to fight. Clint is worried about her but he sticks with Natasha.

"Wait!" Pietre says as he stops.

Wanda pauses and shoots her twin a confused look.

"What did you mean, two serums?" Pietre asks.

"I was also enhanced by a HYDRA operation, only I was in the Soviet Union in Russia," Screaming Woman says.

Pietre grabs her and Wanda and rushes them out and on the roof of this boat. "Okay, now we're out of there." He rolls his shoulders. "Okay, so you're enhanced, too. I got that earlier. Explain the two serums."

"Hold on." The strawberry blonde waves a hand over her belt and she goes back to her day clothes. "Okay." She smiles. "My name is Mary Barnes, I was patient 0 for this experiment before the Avengers took their Hydra operation down. They wanted to see what would happen if they injected someone with two serums."

Wanda looks at her brother and at Mary. "Really?"

"They gave me a banshee scream and the songs of a siren," Mary explains. "I'm their first and only hybrid experiment. I was there against my will."

"How'd you get out?" Wanda asks as Pietre takes all this in.

"My brother was there and they were already using him," Mary says.

"Im sorry about this, Mary, I truly am," Wanda says and she sprays a red mist at her.

Mary walks and she is in a toddler room for... Lucille? She sees her daughter with Clint, they're still married. Lucille is about 4.

"Mommy!'" Lucille gushes. "Daddy wants to teach me archery!"

"Oh, does he now?" Laura asks and Mary gasps; she and Clint aren't still married, he and Laura are.

When Clint finds his woman, she's crying for Lucille. She told him about the baby she delivered in a stillbirth, their daughter.

"Lucille, Laura's not your mommy, I am."

"What is she showing you, love?" Clint whispers.

"Lucy, I'm mommy!" Mary cries. "Clint, wh-why did you steal my baby?" She sobs and Clint stares at her. "Why is she calling someone else mommy?"

"Oh, baby," Clint whispers.

Mary is crying as Laura plays mom to Lucille and Clint is still dad. Lucille looks identical to Clint.

"You look just like your father," Mary whispers.

When she faints because of too much emotional turmoil, Clint leaps forward and he catches Mary. Clint lays her down and he brushed her hair out of her face.

"Come back to me, baby," Clint whispers. "It was mind control. Coke back to me." He got her down to where the others are because they're down, too. He makes sure Black Widow, Thor, and Captain America are ok. Ironman is going to go check on Bruce, who is now in Hulk form.

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