Chapter 10

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They hurry Clint into the Avenger's Quarters (which is where Clint and Mary's apartment is), Natasha and Mary are by his side as Dr. Cho splits off Chinese instructions to her nurse. Captain is heading down to see the two enhanced people. Wanda and Peitro, twins. Mary goes and she watches as the robots come in and get cleaned off.

"Hey," Nat greets. "Clint's thirsty."

Mary nods. She goes off to a kitchen and goes to the lab. "Hey."

Clint smiles. He tries to move but winces.

"You're not enhanced like me, you have to heal at the pace of this thing, Clint," Mary scolds and she hands him a glass. "Water. Nat said you're thirsty."

"I am." Clint takes a drink of it. "It's so technical here."

"Well, Stark did set it up," Mary says. "I don't mind it."

Mary watches as he heals and Dr. Cho explains it to Natasha. Mary already knows what it is. Dr. Cho explained it to her over the coms when she got here to begin with. She's creating tissue.

"I'm embarrassed you're seeing me like this."

"I've seen you worse," Mary says and Clint hums.

"Oh, no, he's flatlining," Tony jokes as he walks in. "Call it."

"Oh, no," Clint muses. "I'm gonna live forever." He laughs and grabs Mary's hand. "I'm gonna be made of plastic."

"You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton," Dr. Cho says as Clint sips on the water with the hand holding the glass. "Mary won't be able to tell the difference."

Mary winks at Clint as he glances at her. Nat chuckles at the small blush. Clint and Mary haven't had sex since the day after Loki was defeated and that portal was closed, where they both agreed to take it slow. Natasha and Bruce both know that the couple are going crazy.

"Tony," Cho says, "your chunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust."

"That is exactly the plan," Tony replies. "Oh, and Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday."

"Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties," Helen Cho replies. "Will... Thor be there?" She asks.

Mary kisses Clint on the forehead as he looks at her. He hums at the feeling and his eyes close, he's smiling.

"What color are you wearing to the party on Saturday?" Clint asks the love of his life.

"Probably red," Mary replies. "Tony's talking to Bruce."

"They get along, huh?"

"They're both geniuses, I'm not surprised," Mary admits. She runs her fingers through his hair and Clint closes his eyes. "You'll be fine. You're still an idiot, but you'll be fine."

"I love you, too," he mumbles.

"I know," Mary replies and she kisses him. "I love you."

Clint stares at her and he sighs. "When I heard HYDRA took you, I was so scared."

"I'm fine, baby, I'm right here."

Clint pulls her and he kisses her forehead.

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