Chapter 17

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Wanda watches as Mary looks in her locker. There's a picture of a sonogram and a deceased baby beside it. Clint walks over and he grabs Mary's shoulders.

"You okay?" He asks.

"I wish Lucy was here."

"Me too," Clint whispers. "Maybe after this, we can see if those serums made you infertile."

"Clint!" Mary slaps him and he laughs. "Pietre!"

He smiles. "It's Pietro, actually."

"Really?" She frowns. "Huh. I'm sorry. I'm Mary, or Screaming Woman."

They all head out once everyone is suited up and they get on the plane, Pietro and Wanda, too. They get their coms in before Cap starts to speak.

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are, we'll be riding into heavy fire and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out."

When they're in Sokovia, the enhanced ones work together. Wanda uses her mist and Screaming Woman uses her siren song to lure people out. Pietro uses his speed and guns. Cap wanted the enhanced ones to work together because he'd like them to work together if Wanda and Pietro to join the team. The red mist and the siren song waves move through houses to evacuate them.

"Will your husband worry?" Wanda asks softly as they work.

"Yes," Screaming Woman replies. She and Clint aren't married, they're not even engaged. "But he knows he can't protect me during this kind of thing. Us enhanced people have to protect each other."

"Yes, we do," Wanda replies. "I'm sorry for what I did to you."

"It'll take a while but I will forgive you," Screaming Woman says. "I saw my dead baby as someone else's child. I watched her die. Again."

"I'm sorry," Wanda says sincerely with her German accent. "Get off the bridge!"

When Wanda is shot down and her shield, Screaming Woman lets out a scream and sends sonic waves at the robots Ultron is sending their way and they explode when Screaming Woman combines her siren song with it. She helps the Scarlet Witch up and Quicksilver (Pietro) speeds through a group of robots. Screaming Woman uses her sonic scream to send Quicksilver away from the city coming apart to keep him falling.

Hawkeye joins the Scarlet Witch and Screaming Woman when the ground stops shaking.

"All right, we're all clear here," he says through the coms.

"We are not clear!" Captain America exclaims through the come.

Mary sends a siren song to a robot so high pitch it explodes. She does it to a few last stragglers.

"Now we're good," she says and Hawkeye grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze before letting go.

"We are very not clear," Cap adds through the coms.

"All right, coming to you," Hawkeye says as Quicksilver shows up. He picks his twin up and runs off.

Hawkeye starts muttering about Quicksilver and he shoved Screaming Woman when she laughs. She screams to send bullets away from Quicksilver before he can be shot to death and the Scarlet Witch works on building a shield with the siren song waves that Screaming Woman is sending through.

"You saved me," Pietro says. "Why did you save me?"

"Because you're enhanced like me," Screaming Woman says. "You both are. I can learn to like you."

They work on loading people onto the ship. And the SHIELD agents blast them, Sam inside in his own little metal shoot, he's now flying around with Ironman. The Avengers get the people on the ship and safe and in the end, Ultron is defeated.

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