Chapter 20

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Mary is, in her new costume she made herself out of Nano Tech with Tony's help, on a roof with Sam Wilson, aka Falcon

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Mary is, in her new costume she made herself out of Nano Tech with Tony's help, on a roof with Sam Wilson, aka Falcon. He presses a button on his suit and sends something off with a camera as he and Mary kneel on the edge of a roof. Natasha and Wanda are inside a restaurant undercover and Pietro is in a vacant apartment building with Steve.

"Give me X-ray," Sam says as he presses a button on his shades. "Yeah, that truck's loaded for max weight," he says over the coms. "The driver's armed."

"It's a battening ram," Nat radios.

"Go now," Steve demands.

"What?" Wanda queries. She and her twin did become close to Mary, they're like her twin children.

"He's not biting the police," Steve replies.

In an institute for infections diseases a man is sitting in a guard station. He looks over as the garbage truck is coming toward the gate. The driver jumps out and the truck slams into the gateway. Two trucks rush into the compound through the newly-made entrance.

Soldiers in black armor emerge from the trucks, firing their rifles around the courtyard. Four soldiers fire gas canisters into the building before soldiers wearing gas masks enter the building. Steve arrives and he takes out several of the soldiers.

"Body armor, AR-15's," Steve radios. "I make seven hostile."

Sam arrives on rooftop, Mary in his arms; she can't fly so she flies with either him, she'll fly with Ironman, or she'll have Quicksilver / Pietro run her places. He holds Mary close as he spins and uses his wings to block gunfire while Mary uses her sonic scream to send bullets away from them.

"I make five," Sam says,

Wanda arrives and flies over the rooftop to the courtyard with her brother, blocking fire with her powers and the wind from Pietro's speed.

"Sam," Wanda says as she takes control of one of the soldiers and lifts him up.

Sam glides down from the roof top and catches the soldier one one of his wings. "Four," he says.

Sam's drone flies by, scanning the inside of the building.

"Rumlow's on the third story," Sam says.

"Wanda, just like we practiced," Steve says.

"What about the gas?" Wanda asks.

"Get it out."

Wanda uses her powers to life Steve  up and through the window. He grabs a soldier and pulls off their gas mask.

Rumlow is inside. He punches down the door. He knocks aside a technician and enters a room with a container labeled 'Bio-Hazard'.

In another area, Steve is behind a pillar. He throws his shield and it bounces off the soldier and goes back to Steve. While that is happening, Wanda is outside and is now using her powers to remove the gas from the building. Sam is exchanging fire with several soldiers while Mary uses her scream and siren song together to knock some soldiers back and killing some, too.

"Rumlow has a biological weapon," Steve says into the coms.

"I'm on it," Natasha replies.

Steve runs out onto the balcony and he spots Rumlow. "Sam, Mary, he's in an AFV heading North."

Sam lands him and Mary on the roof of a structure. Sam scans the area with his shades / goggles.

"I got four," he says into the coms, "they're splitting up."

"I got two on the left," Nat says as she rides through a crowd, on her motorcycle; she abandons it and runs across the hoods of cars in pursuit.

"They ditched their gear," Steve says; he is also running across cars. He spotted a vest in the middle of the crowd. "It's a shell game now. One of them has the payload."

Someone throws a bike at Steve. It sticks to his shield. He throws it into the air and the bomb detonates safely away from the citizens. Rumlow hits Captain America in the back.

Sam and Mary are still chasing the other mercenaries. While Maey runs, Sam flies up and takes out his two and he searches their bags for the pay load. Well, he searches one and Mary searches the other.

"He doesn't have it," Mary states. "It's empty."

"This bag, too," Sam says.

"Payload secured," Nat says. "Thanks, Sam and Mary."

"Don't thank me," they both say at the same time.

"I'm... not thanking that thing," Nat replies.

"His name is Redwing," Sam says.

"I'm still thanking it."

"Ah, but he's cute," Mary teases. "Go ahead and pet him."

She and Sam share a look.

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