~the yoga instructor ♡

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Taehyung was ur, yoga instructor...
He used to instruct uh yoga in ur house... As uh stay's alone... So uh requested him to come to ur house and teach uh...
He helps uh to do ur exercises but he always be touchy to uh...

Uh also like him when he touches uh...
Uh always wanted him to fuck uh like a little whore of his...
But he never he just tease uh...uh thought teasing him today...
So uh wear a tight yoga dress... It shows ur body perfectly...

Uh, we're waiting for him to come...
Ding dong~
Uh went to open the door...
As he enters the house... He looks at uh from head to toe, smirks, and licks his lower lips...

Yn- Uhmm Tae shall I bring water for uh...

Taehyung- hmmm...

Uh went to the kitchen and bring water from him... Uh, bend a little which shows ur cleavage perfectly...
Uh gave him water...

he smirks, takes the water from ur hand, and gulps it down...
He gave uh back the glass as uh went to kitchen... He came too behind uh and touch uh from the back... As he attaches his body and makes uh feel his hardness against ur core... Uh, startle and look behind as he was too close to uh...

Yn- uh want somethin'???

Tae- yess I want uh...*Seductive*

Yn- huh???

Tae- I mean let's start yoga...

Yn- hmm okay...

As he went to ur room which was full of the mirror...
Uh smirk a little and follow him...
After comin' to the room uh spread ur yoga mattress as uh sit in vajrasana i.e. The diamond posture...
He also takes a position in vajrasana...

Taehyung- take the position of Adho Mukha Svanasana

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Taehyung- take the position of Adho Mukha Svanasana

Yn- huh which position is that...???

Taehyung- Downward-Facing Dog

Yn- how to do it...

Taehyung- just look how I do it... From all fours, walk ur hands 6 inches in front of uh. Tuck ur toes and lift ur hips up and back to lengthen ur spine. If ur hamstrings are tight, keep your knees bent to bring ur weight back into the legs. Spread ur fingers wide, press into ur hands, and rotate ur arms so that ur biceps are facing toward one another. Press ur thighs back toward the wall behind you...

 Press ur thighs back toward the wall behind you

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