~practical class ♡

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Students are checkin their results... and uh murmured to urself...

Yn- as usual failed in biology...

Ga-ram ur friend started laughin at uh...

Yn- why r uh laughin at me..??? Huh???

Ga-ram: how can i stay calm after checkin ur result....

With that sayin she starts laughin harder lookin at uh...

Yn- what!!??😑

Uh pinch her...

Ga- ram: laughin* ouch please calm down yn... how can uh do this Yn uh scored good marks in all the subject except biology???

Yn- 😑😑

With that uh start leavin from there...

Ga- ram- Hey, wait wait... I was just wondering that what excuse uh gonna give to the professor this time...???

Yn- ughhhh... Let's go from here or else he'll catch us soon...

Uh dragged ga- ram to the auditorium to meet ur other friends...
Uh and ga-ram went to the corridor... Other friends were wavin at both of them... As they came to them...

Eun- hey yn!! Is it true that uh failed in biology this time???

Uh sigh and said...

Yn- yeahh!!! How could uh guys get the biology concept easily...??? I still can't digest the concept...!!

Everbody started laughin at uh...

Ga-ram: it's more simple than uh think...

Yn- i don't think...

Eun- that's why we always suggest uh to be in relationship...

Yn- relationship????

Yoona- yeaa!! So that he can clear all ur doubts in a practical way😏

Yn- practically???

Everyone started laughin but uh r still confused...

Yn- mind* when will i get time to cover all the biology syllabus... Such a useless subject it is...

Bell rangs...

Friends- guys let's leave for the class...

Uh and ur friends head to the class and waitin for the professor...
Except uh, everyone are desperately waitin for the professor because...
Their hot and handsome Professor Kim Taehyung is goin to take the chapter Reproduction and zygote formation today...
Whereas uh were just sittin carelessly on ur seat...

After few minutes...

After few minutes

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