~call me cunt ♡

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Taehyung is a ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ᴋɪɴɢ... He was going through stressful events and things... he wanted to calm down... He opens a site and looks for a slut whom he can fuck mercilessly... Till he is satisfied... So he got a profile... He saw that uh got big udders... With a hot and sexy body... He thought of urs and booked uh...
Uh were like uh want to get fucked mercilessly and uh want a sadistic person...
Uh were at ur house sittin and watchin k-drama soon uh got a call from ur manager...

On call...
Manager- Hey Yn

Yn- Hello sir

Manager- Today uh have to pleasure a guy...

Yn- ohh okay so what time he's gonna arrive...

Manager- he is not arrivin here uh have to go to his house...

Yn- uhmm okay... Send me the location...

Manager- yesss and wear something sexy...

Yn- okay...
Call ends...
At night...
Uh, wear a black dress reachin till ur thighs...

Uh, wear a black dress reachin till ur thighs

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Uh arrived at his place...
His place was so big... Uh didn't know he was a mafia... It was a big mansion surrounded by bodyguards...
Bodyguard guide uh to the livin' room...

Bodyguard- ma'am please stay here I'll call sir...

Yn- okay...

Bodyguard went to call taehyung...

After few minutes...
Uh heard a footstep comin' downstairs... Uh, turn ur head in the direction of the sound... Uh saw a tall man, havin' muscular body with two buttons open of his shirt with black slacks... And a wine glass in his hand...
He comes and sits on the king-size sofa and ask uh to sit too...

Taehyung- so uh r the girl...

Yn- Uhmmm yess...

Taehyung- fuck uh r indeed hot and sexy... *Takin sip of his wine*

Yn- and uh r same... Fuckin damn hot and sexy with this handsome face...

Taehyung chuckles...

Taehyung- well i wanna see what is beneath that clothes...

Yn- sure daddy... Uhmm can i call uh daddy if uh don't mind...

Taehyung- uh have to call me daddy girl... But... What should i call uh...

Yn- it's upto uh daddy tell me what uh want to call me... *sexy tone*

Taehyung- Not usually a name I'm called. But I guess that could be hot. And what would you like me to call you? I usually call my subs 'bitch,' whore,' 'slut' or 'cunt...

Yn- *mind* Ooo... Jackpot. Been looking for this guy.

Yn- Will you call me 'cunt?' Please!!???

🔞𝐄𝐚𝐭, 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲, 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞🔞Where stories live. Discover now