~disobey ♡

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Taehyung bein ur mafia ceo husband... Uh both got married as ur and his father were friends and they want uh both to get married... But taehyung didn't wanted to marry as he considered that uh are also same like others... Just wanted to get into his pants... A gold digger...

Before marriage he said to himself... He's never gonna let uh be happy... But his brother convinced him that she's not like others...

After the marriage...
He used to be cold towards uh... As he's already graduated being a CEO of his company... Beside bein Mafia King followed by his brothers...
One day from ur school he gotta a complain that uh aren't good in studies nor in discipline...

Taehyung got angry... He decided to make uh study at home... He being ur teacher teachin uh and solvin ur problems... Makin uh understand everything... He noticed changes in ur studies and havin a discipline behaviour...
Taehyung always bein strict... When it comes to study... As he sits with a stick in his hand...
Day passed... He also changed...
He's more flirty and touchy around uh nowadays... as he thought of givin chance to this relationship... He try bein a lovin husband... And not bein cold towards uh anymore...

Soon ur exams too got finished... And scored good marks... Because of taehyung... Uh decided to tell him ur scores... But he wasn't at home...
Ur phone rings...

On call...
Pearl- Hey Yn
Yn- Hi pearl..
Pearl- let's hangout... What say.. it's been a long time as we friends didn't hangout...
Yn- uhmm I'll think about i have to ask him...
Pearl- ohh c'mon yn just come over here... Please...
Yn- okay fine I'll come..
Pearl- yayy and yea wear somethin sexy got it..
Yn- okay
Call ends...

Yn- *mind* Taehyung isn't at house and if i ask him for lettin me go out for hangin out with friends he'll definitely say no while he'll always come by 8 then uh can just go and come back early till 7:30 before he comes... Yess I'll do this...

With that uh got dressed up

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With that uh got dressed up... Wearin hot dress, applyin makeup and wearin heels... Uh took ur bag and left the house with ur friend who xame to pick uh up...
But for a surprise... Taehyung came early at house today by 6... He asked his bodyguard...

Taehyung- where is Mrs. Kim
Bodyguard- sir she went out with her friend...
Taehyung- Where?? *Being cold*
Bodyguard- I don't know sir...
Taehyung- then what were uh doin..??? Were uh guys Sleepin with open eyes huh???
Bodyguard- sorry sir... But mrs. Kim was dressed up well and ig she went out to hangout with her friends...
Taehyung- how do uh know that she was well dressed up...???
Bodyguard- uhmm...auhhm si..sir
Taehyung- uh look at her right??? Uh always see her... Huh!??? Uh bastard... Last warnin if i again see uh lookin up at my wife just see.. I'll just take out ur eyes ball...
Bodyguard- sorry sir...

🔞𝐄𝐚𝐭, 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲, 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞🔞Where stories live. Discover now