~dare ♡

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Taehyung- ahh babe fuck why are you so tight...

Yn- ahhh tae s-slow down pl-please

Taehyung spanked your ass hard...

Taehyung- it's daddy for you babygirl...

Yn- ahhh daddy slow down pleaseee...

Taehyung- we didn't even do 10 rounds and you are tired only...

Yn- tae you have already completed it... 

Taehyung- fuck baby i missed the counts sorry ahhh just one last round... 

Yn- ahhhh 

And with that you both cum at the same time...

Taehyung- fuck ahhh...

He groaned for the last time and fell on the bed beside you... he took you in his embrace and starts caressing ur head with ur tummy...he kissed ur forehead to ease the pain...

Taehyung- you know baby when we do it, i really feels like it's our first time... our every intimate session is memorable and beautiful for me...

He was talking to you but you were already slept in his embrace... he looked at you and smile...

Taehyung- my baby only mine...

And with that taehyung also slept while keeping you in his embrace...

So you and taehyung are in relationship for almost 2 years... taehyung is ceo and you are his employee... the day first when he saw you during the interview day he fell in love with you... he often keeps on checking you what are you doing? When do you live for office? When do you get up? What's your favourite things... and many more... 

The day when he thought he gonna lost you forever he confessed it to you whether you liked it or not.. but you accepted his proposal... your parent's do not stay here they stay out of country you said your and his relationship to your parents they didn't agree at first but after seeing taehyung being a considerate, diligent, caring and kind they accepted it... 

You both lost your virginity during rainy day... the season of love and happiness 

(Well What's your favourite season candies? Mine is monsoon, autumn and winter)

He always is loving and caring towards you, when the things come to you he don't even think about anything except you... he loves unconditionally... 

In morning... 
Taehyung got up and look at his side... where you were still sleeping like a baby holding a blanket like a baby with your tiny fist...

He was just staring at you with love in his eyes keeping his hands on his cheeks 

After sometime you woke up and saw him staring at you...

Yn- good morning (you said while smiling)

Taehyung- good morning soon to be wife

You blush...

He lean towards you for a kiss you closed your eyes and kissed him back... you both were kissing each other passionately he was roaming his hands on ur hands then to your waist... after breaking the kiss you both again stare each other... 

Taehyung- get fresh I'll make something for you...

Yn- join me daddy... *seductively*

Taehyung- i would love to babygirl but i have to prepare somethings... 

Yn- why preparations? 

🔞𝐄𝐚𝐭, 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲, 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞🔞Where stories live. Discover now