Chapter 2-

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It takes me all of my energy to wake up the next morning after the party. I didn't get dead drunk( thank God!), but I was tired as hell. I went to bed around 4am, and it's 9am now. My Modern British Literature class starts in a half hour so I have to rush and get ready.

Gabrielle and Rihanna are still knocked out so I storm into their rooms and wake them up. Gab wakes up, but Rih shoos me away.

"Leave me alone" she mumbles and turns over with her back facing me.

"It's the first day of classes! Wake up!" I say while giving her a shove and running out the room.

I just don't care anymore. I grab a muffin and run to my class that's a couple buildings down. It's 9:45 by the time I get there. Everyone stares at me when I open the door. Embarrassed, I quickly scan the room and find a seat located in the middle side of the room. I quickly walk over and take my place.

The teacher is an old white British man. He glares at me and looks at the attendance sheet.

"You must be Miss Markson? Liberty Markson?" He asks while looking at me through he glasses. I felt everyone staring at me, waiting for my response.

"Yes I am." I reply boldly. I know he is not tryna put me on blast.

He nods his head and continues teaching. It takes me everything to not fall asleep for the next two hours of class. Once it's over, I text Monte to see what he's up to. He doesn't reply immediately because he's probably in class.

I take a 15 minute break at the cafe on campus and head to me inorganic chemistry class. I've heard horror stories from past students about this class. It's not the teachers, but it's the subject itself that is so difficult. I have confidence that I will pull through this one semester class. After finishing my late morning breakfast, I throw out my garbage, grab my purse and notebooks, and walk steadily to my next class.

"Hey! Miss!" A man yells behind me.

I turn around and see a man in a button up, dress pants, and dress shoes jogging up to me. He was at least 6 feet, maybe taller. He was pretty cute too, but I shooed that thought away. I have a man already. I wait for him to catch up with me, and notice something in his hand. One of my notebooks!

"You forgot this." He says when he finally reaches me. He hands the notebook over, and I carefully take it out of his hands. He looks even hotter up close. I feel like I've seen him before somewhere....

"Thank you" I say and turn around and continue walking.

I hear him walking behind me, and he finally catches up next to me.

"What's your name?" He asks while trying to keep up with my strides.

"Liberty." I say bluntly trying to show no interest.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I stop dead in my tracks, and he stops too.

"Sorry. Did I offend you?" He asks while staring at me.

"It's just that I'm in a relationship right now an-"

"I understand. I'm just tryna make small talk. I'm trying to be polite."

"Okay?" I say and continue walking. He's still right beside as I reach the building where my inorganic chemistry class is taking place. It really creeps me out.

"Are you stalking me or something?!" I yell as I glare at him.

He gives me a really dirty look and says," It just so happens that my class is in this building."

I huff and open the door to the building and head in. A blast of cool air hits me as I walk down the wooden floor to my class. I hear the clack of his dress shoes behind me. I roll my eyes in annoyance and enter my classroom. The students are there but the teacher hasn't arrived. I find a seat next a familiar face, Dan, and sit down.

The guy who followed me here is standing up front in front of the podium and announces

"Welcome to the first day of Inorganic Chemistry. My name is Tremaine Neverson, but you will call me Mr.Neverson."

My eyes nearly pop out of my head. My teacher almost flirted with me....and he's hot. I notice the girls googily eying him.

"Now I'm gonna be real with y'all. This class is difficult.Many of you will flunk out of this class, others will drop it, and the few of you who make it, congrats. Any questions?"

A couple people raise their hands and he completely ignores them.

"No questions? Okay let's get started."

Okay. So he's an asshole. As he teaches, I force myself to not stare at his muscles that are bulging through his shirt. The class goes on without any major interruptions. As I walk out the room at the end of class, I feel his stare on my back.

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