Chapter 17

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Liberty's POV

Trey pulls up to the football house heated as hell. It's Friday night, and of course, the place is bumping with a party. Loud music, alcohol, dancing... He turns off the engine and hops out the car. I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and get out to follow him. I struggle to keep up with his long strides.

Once inside, the house is packed with people. I remember this was me a couple months ago when I was with Monte. The hallway is crowded with people making out, drinking, dancing, and talking. Trey pushes through the crowd in search of Monte. I follow in close pursuit. We reach the commons to find Monte dancing with a girl. This girl is practically naked and is grinding her butt all over Monte. Trey takes off his coat and throws it to me.

What happens next is crazy. The whole party stops as as Trey charges Monte and punches him right in his face. With Monte on the floor trying to figure out what's going on, Trey walks up to him, and stands over him.

"You like hitting on women, nxgga?!" Trey yells.

"Can I have everyone's attention?!" Trey asks as he turns around,"This boy Monte loves putting his hands on women. He put his hands on Liberty today!"

Everyone who knows me turns to look at me. Everyone else who didn't follows the stares in my direction. People in the crowd begin to murmur amongst themselves. My face burns in complete embarrassment. Monte gets up and charges Trey to the ground where they both go at it. Punches are thrown, vases broken, and harsh words are said.

The whole time, the crowd cheers on. I stand there in complete fear. I know Trey works out, but I didn't know he has all the muscle on him. I finally jump in as Trey repeatedly kicks Monte in the gut. I pull Trey's arm to get him to stop.

"All right, Trey. Can't you see he can't get up?" I ask as Monte groans in pain.

"Can you stop defending this nxgga? He got what was coming to him."

"Let's just go. Please. I can't be here anymore." I say.

I feel woozy and hot. My cheek keeps on throbbing and my lip hurts. Trey turns and gives Monte one last kick and says,

"Don't ever put your hands on a woman again, or you'll be seeing me again."

I grab his arm and push through the crowd. I need to get out. All eyes were on both Monte and us. At the house, I take a real good look at Trey. A couple of cuts and bruises. He breathes in then cringes in pain.

"Ouch!" He exclaim while clutching his abdomen.

I rush over to him and help him to the couch. I help him take off his shirt, and check his stomach. He pushes my hands away once I touch his ribs.

"I think you broke a rib or two. You need to get to the hospital now." I tell him.

"Ahh. Let's go. This shxt hurts!" He exclaims while getting up.
Trey's POV
Liberty gives me that "I told you so" look as the doctor inspects my ribs. Once he reaches the spot, I cringe in pain. It kind of hurts to breath in too.

"Well, whatever activity you got into caused you to crack two of your ribs. They're nothing major, but I can prescribe you pain medication to help with the pain." The doctor says,"It does hurt, correct?"

"Hell yes." I say not caring to sensor my language.

"It's gonna take about six weeks for your ribs to completely heal. That means you'll have to take it slow until then. High physical activity is discouraged."

"Yes, ma'am." I reply.

"Are you his wife?" The doctor asks Liberty.

The doctor eyes is both suspiciously because of our wounds. Who wouldn't? We both look like we came from hell and back.

Liberty looks surprised at her question and laughs.

"No. We're just friends." She says.

The doctor nods her head.

"Well, I'll write up your prescription and call over to Walgreens pharmacy so you can pick that up as soon as you leave." The doctor says.

Liberty and I stare at each other as the doctor writes my prescription. We're gonna have a nice talk after this.

"Here you go." The doctor says handing me a piece of paper,"Just give this to the pharmacist and you'll be all set."

I take the paper and slowly walk over to Liberty. I try my best not to breath in hard, but it's so hard.

"Take me home please." I ask politely.

She silently grabs her purse and keys and walks out the doors. I try my best to catch up with her as I cringe slightly with each step.

"Liberty, slow down." I say pitifully.

She turns around and blushes in embarrassment.

"Sorry. I forgot you can't walk that fast."She says as she comes over to me.

I notice that her cheek is already blue and purple. She gently wraps her arm around my lower back and walks me the rest of the way to the car.
"You can get in so much trouble if the school administration finds out what you did." Liberty nags as she squeezes the wet hot towel of the excess water.

I lay still as she places it on my ribs. The hot sensation brings both relief and pain.

"I don't care if they find out. I did what I thought was necessary." I tell her while staring intensely at her face.

She continues to care for the rest of my wounds in silence.

"Is this the first time he hit you?" I ask while she cleaned a cut on the arm.

"Yep. He was such a sweetheart to me when we dated. That's why I was so stunned when he hit me." She replies.

She carefully places a bandage on it and looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Come here." I tell her.

She moves closer to me until we're face to face. I gently kiss her lips and accidentally caress her wounded cheek. She flinches and pulls back.

"It hurts, Trey."

"Let me make it better." I say.
Liberty's POV

I laugh at Trey's statement. How the heck is he gonna make this better?

"How, Trey?"

He doesn't respond as he gently tugs on my arm to make me lay next to him so that we're face to face. He kisses my lips more intensely, and massages my scalp with his hands.

"I don't want to hurt you Trey." I tell him while biting his lip.

"You won't. I just wanna make you feel good." He tells me while pulling up my shirt.

Even when injured, Trey can still turn me on.

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