Chapter 24

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Liberty's POV
"I want you to be mine again, baby!" I sing aloud with the radio as I get off the exit to my hometown city in CT.

My phone rings and I pick up. It's my mom.

"Hello?" I say.

"Are you almost here?" She asks excitedly

"I'm like 10 minutes away! Relax."

"You have a visitor here for you." She responds.

"Oh. Who?"

"It's a surprise. Fe vite." She says and hangs up.

I hate my mother's surprises. I pull up to my neighborhood and soon, to my home. Home sweet home! I don't bother getting my luggage. I'll get them later. I grab my purse and walk up towards the front door. My mom and dad are standing there, waiting for me with smiles on their faces.

Once I reach them, we embrace. My little brother, Antoine, who's 19 comes and hugs me. He's way taller than me at 6'2. Still my little brother though. My older sister is probably at work.

"Hey sis."

"Hey Ant." I respond. My brother and I have a pretty cool relationship.

"Ki es moun ki la?(who is here?)" I ask my parents while looking down the hall. My brother winks at me.

"Me." I male voice says while walking down the hall with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Jeremiah. My ex-boyfriend. The guy who broke my heart two years ago, and the man my parents ADORE. Mostly because he's Haitian like us and he's "Christian". He's really an arse outside of church. I'll explain later.

"Jeremiah. What the f-" I cut off the last word because my parents are staring dead at me.

"Hey. Long time no see." He says shyly.

I take a couple steps forward, but stop myself. He close the gap between us and hands me the flowers. I guess they're nice. Tulips. He remembers that they're my favorite.

"Thank you." I say,"I'll put them in a vase."

"You're welcome..." He says awkwardly,

I sigh and smirk. It's kinda sweet to see this side of Jeremiah, but he's still an arse.

"He's staying for dinner." My dad says while walking outside.

I hold my tongue and nod my head.

"Vin nan cuisine la ave-m, Liberty.(Come to the kitchen with me.)" My mom beckons.

I follow her into the kitchen where my mother already had food cooking on the stove. As soon as we get there she gives me a stern look.

"Yes?" I ask pretending like I don't know what she's about to say.

"Don't say anything rude today. M-pa nan jwet ave-w.(I'm not playing with you)" She says.

"Alright, alright. I wasn't even gonna say anything bad to him." I say defensively.

"M-kon bout ou(I know you). Now go and speak to him. He came over here to see you. Maybe he wants to just be your friend."

"N-a we." I say and turn to leave the kitchen.

I walk to the living room to find Jeremiah sitting awkwardly on the couch. When he sees me, he immediately stands up.

"Hey." I greet again.

"Hey. I didn't mean to interrupt your family moment today."

"Oh no. It's fine." I say.

I sit on the recliner across from him. He's still standing.

"Why don't you sit and relax?" I suggest.

"Oh yeah.  Sorry." He apologizes.

"Stop apologizing. There's no reason for that." I say a little annoyed.

I hate when people apologize to me for no reason.

"Sorry." He says and blushes again.

I laugh and he smiles. He's so cute. I can't even lie.

"How's Howard? This is your last year, right?" He asks.

"Yeah. Finally my last year. Howard is still Howard. Had a couple of rough patches, but I passed. How about you? How's Yale?" I ask.

Jeremiah's the biggest nerd I've ever dated. He's a very cocky and self-centered prick which is part of the reason why we never worked out.

"Stressful. I'm not even in law school, but this pre-law stuff was hard. I managed to pass with all A-'s in my classes." He says with a smile.

"Oh wow. Congratulations."

We continue to casually talk about school until the question comes out of his mouth.

"Are you...seeing anyone right now?" He asks.

I pause. Monte? Heck no. Trey? Nope.

"No. Just seeing Jesus" I say while chuckling.

He chuckles and scratches his head. He doesn't know how to say the next line.

"I know we have a rough history, and I'm hoping we can move past that and start all over." He say nervously.

"Oh. I don't know, Jeremiah. Our relationship was pretty messed up."

"I've changed, Lib. I grew up from my immature ways. I learned how to treat a woman correctly and like the queen she deserves to be treated like. You were my queen. I messed up."

Oh gosh. I'm a sucker for being called a queen.

I sigh and examine his face to make sure that he's being sincere, and not trying to eff me over. He looks very serious. What the heck. I'll give him a shot.

"Okay, but one slip up and I'm done, Jeremiah. I'm done playing games." I warn him.

"Yes. Of course, Lib. Thank you." He says.

I smile. My parents are gonna freak with joy of they find out Jeremiah and I are "starting over." I'm not telling them unless we get a little more serious.

"When are you free?" He asks,"I wanna take you out."

I pretend to act like I have a full schedule. I really don't. A couple of days out with my friends, but really nothing.

"I'm free this Friday and Saturday." I say.

"How about Friday night, dinner and a movie?" He suggests.

"Yeah. I'm down."

"I'll come pick you up around 6ish." He says while taking out his phone.

He's probably putting this in his calendar. Another thing about Jeremiah: he's constantly busy. His dad owns a law firm so Jeremiah works there as an intern. There were so many times when Jeremiah had to cancel our dates or worse, forget our dates.

He looks back up at me and smiles.

"You're so damn beautiful."

I blush and thank him.

"Manje-a fini(the food is done)!" My mom yells.

Author's Note
Ay! New characters excite me. Lmbo.

I have a new story called "Steady." Check it out please, babes.

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