Chapter 46

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Here it is!
I wake up in my hotel bed around 8am. If I had slept a minute later, I would've been late to Liberty's graduation which starts at 9:45 sharp. Her little brother, Antoine, has been keeping me updating with things. He's the only one(besides my parents) who knows I'm here.

I shower and put on something presentable on. I most likely will be meeting her parents and family. I look out my hotel window in the middle of the city and sigh. I send Liberty a good morning text.

"Good morning, love. Wish I was there."

"😫 Morning, bae. Wish you were here too. Rihanna getting on my last nerves!"

I chuckle.

"Lol. Put her in check for me." I reply.

"Got you. I'll call you later."

"Okay. Je t'aime" I say.

"I love you too.😍"

"Y'all are gonna make me late to my own commencement!" I say as I put my hair in an updo.

Rihanna and Gab scurry around my room in their underwear as they get ready. They make no sense. All their clothes are in suitcases so there's no excuse.

"No we're not." Gabby says as she puts on a skirt.

There's a knock at my door.

"Yes?" I say.

"You guys have 20 minutes." My mom says.

"Okay!" We all say together.

25 minutes later, my parents and brother pile into their car while me and my two mains get into mine. Gabby plugs her phone into my aux without my permission and blasts "Jumpman."

"Ayy!" Rih says as she dances on her seat.

Gabby twerks in the passenger seat and I roll my eyes. Aggravating.

I find a seat in the 3,000 seat auditorium that's filling up quickly with family and friends. I look around for any familiar faces but there isn't any. I find a seat next to what seems like a huge family. Biggest mistake because they won't stop arguing with one another.

By the grace of God, I spot Gabrielle and Rihanna walking in with two other people and my boy Antoine. I call to them in the loudness but they don't hear me. I'm quick to get up and walk towards them.

"Gabrielle! Rihanna!" I yell again.

They look around in confusion and I see Rihanna mouth the words "What the f-?" Gabrielle spots me and waves to me. Her face reads shock. She nudges Rihanna and points to me so that she sees me too. When I reach them, they laugh.

"Why are we so surprised? Liberty has you whipped." Rihanna says.

I purse my lips then smile. She's kinda right. Antoine squeezes in between them to give me dap.

"My boy." I say.

"You made it. You sitting with us, right?" He asks. 

I get a little nervous. I see his parents staring dead hard at me from their seats.


All four of us walk into the aisle and I end up sitting right next to Liberty's father. Damn it. He turns his neck and looks me up and down.

"Who are you?" He asks with a thick accent.

I put my hand out to shake his hand.

"Tremaine, sir. Liberty's..."

"Boyfriend". He finishes.

I gulp and nod.

"Um, yes sir."

Liberty's mother leans around and smiles at me.

"Wow. You're a very handsome man." She compliments.

I hear Antoine groan in disgust.

"Really, mom?" He says.

Liberty was right about her mother being cool. I smile and thank her. Liberty's dad gives my back a pretty hard slap and chuckles.

"Relax, boy. I'm not gonna kill you." He says with a smile.

I chuckle and relax. Thank God. I talk to her parents for a bit and they seem they decent people. I could tell her dad is overprotective of his daughter and I respect that. I can't front that I'm a momma's boy. The ceremony begins shortly after, and that junk lasts like 3 hours.

About one thousand students are graduating, but when they call Liberty's name, we are all up on our feet rooting for her. She looks stunning in her white cap and gown. She waves her diploma proudly on stage before walking off. 😫😍.

After the ceremony is done, we walk out as a group to the courtyard to wait for Liberty. It's hot as shig. She better not have us waiting out here for ten years.

She comes out a minute later with a crowd of other girls smiling and laughing. My baby is glowing. When she sees me, her jaw nearly drops. She quickly says goodbye to her friends before running to me and jumping into my arms. I nearly stumble back, but papi kept himself up.

"Congratulations, baby." I mumble into her neck.

"You're crazy." She whispers into my ear.

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