Chapter 29

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"I forgive you, Trey." I say while wrapping my arms around Trey's neck.

A look of relief overcomes his eyes He kisses my lips while gripping my hips. Pulling away, we gaze into each other's eyes. His stare is embarrassing me and turning me one.

"I love you so much." He tells me.

I close my eyes in relief. At least I'm not the only one(SAM SMITH!). I feel so warm and complete.

"I love you, Tremaine." I state.

He smiles and we kiss again. He slaps my behind and I shriek in surprise.

"You know you my woman now." He states.

"Finally Trey. Damn."

He gives me a "Wtf" look. I giggle and kiss his neck. This is what I know will turn Trey way on.

"We gotta make up for about of month of no cutty." He replies while biting his plump bottom lip.

I already feel my legs getting weak for what's about to come.

"Liberty!" Someone yells.

I jump awake from my sleep, and curse. That dream was so real and...I don't know.

"Liberty, wake up." My brother Antoine says behind my door.

"Alright!" I yell in annoyance.

A couple weeks ago, I reluctantly transferred out of Howard. Gabrielle and Rihanna were upset, but when I explained the situation, they understood.

"But, you need to visit!" Gabrielle reminds.

"Of course. I'll come down for spring break." I assure her.

It's my first day of classes at Southern. I'm living at home because the school is like 10 minutes away. I'm not really trying to make any new friends. I'm just there to get my bachelors, and get on with my life.

My birthday was last week. I'm 22 now. Jeremiah took me out to dinner, and he bought me a matching pearl necklace for the earrings he gave me for Christmas. Sometimes, I feel as if Jeremiah is trying too hard to get me. It's overbearing sometimes.
"See?," Krissy says while sliding a sheet a paper down to my side of the table.

I decided to meet up with her at a low-key cafe. I look down at the sheet of paper and read the printed text.

"Positive for pregnancy."

I shake my head in disbelief.

"You're finally gonna be a daddy, Tremaine." She says a little too excited.

"I still want a DNA test. That baby might not be mine." I say while still looking at the results.

She groans and says,"You're really doing the most. Why can't you just believe me and accept the fact that you're the father?"

"Because you've down some lowdown things to me." I say pissed while looking straight into her eyes.

She breaks down crying.

"I'm sorry, Trey, but you have to believe me on this." She begs.

Ugh. I can't be here with her anymore. She causing a scene. I stand up and take my coffee. Before leaving the sobbing Krissy, I stand next to her and say,

"I'll let you know when I'm free so we can go down to the clinic and get the tests done...Take care of yourself." I quickly say at the end and rush out the door.
Jeremiah drops by my house after my first day of classes with Jamaican food. I can't believe my parents let him upstairs to my room. I guess they kind of accepted that I'm an adult now.

"How was it?" He asks me while taking a fork full of curry goat into his mouth.

We're both laying on my bed eating and watching Netflix. I shrug. Southern is nothing like Howard. Southern is very quiet and tame. Howard is quite lit. Like really lit.

"It was okay. My classes were fine." I reply while playing with my food.

I love Jamaican food, but I just don't have an appetite for food. I really miss Howard and my friends down there.

"Why aren't you eating? Is the food gross?" He asks.

"No, it's great. I'm just a little sad about not being at Howard anymore." I reply honestly.

"Well, I'm glad you're up here with me." He says with a smile.

I smile sadly and shrug.

"I'm happy to be home." I reply.

"Let's go to New York this Saturday." He suggests.

I guess he's trying to cheer me up.

"And do what?" I ask.

"Shopping. Ice skating. Sight seeing. Whatever you want." He says.

Jeremiah sure knows how to spoil the girl he likes.

"Um. Okay. Sure, why not?"
"Tremaine Aldon Neverson!" My mom yells once I enter the house.

I didn't even get to close the door, and she's already yelling.

"Yes, ma?!" I respond.

"Get your behind in this kitchen!" She yells.

Ugh. I remove my coat and hang it up on a hook before walking to the kitchen.

"Yes?" I say innocently while walking towards her.

She looks pissed off.

"Krissy just called me and told me everything." She says.

I stand there stunned, then get mad.

"What did she tell you?" I ask before I say something I don't need to say.

"That you and her had sex and now she's pregnant, but you aren't claiming the child. I did not raise you like this." She says while looking at me.

"Ma, there's two sides to every story." I say

"What's your side?" She asks.

"First of all, I don't even consider what happened to be sex. I think if it more as rape. Second of all, I think she's lying about the baby being mine. I don't even think there's a baby in the first place!" I explain.

"Okay. So what do you plan on doing?" My mom asks.

"Take a DNA test to see of it's mine. If it ain't then she needs to get out of my life."

"But, if it's yours?" She asks.

I shrug and say,"I'll take care of my kid, and be a father to it."

She sighs as if she's disappointed.

"Would you try to work it out with Krissy and maybe be in a relationship with her?" My mom asks.

My eyes bulge out of my head.

"Oh my gosh, ma. Never in eternity." I reply in disgust.

"Alright, damn. It was just a question." My mom says defensively.

"Am I free to go now? I need to pack." I say.

I feel like a little boy sometimes around my mom.

"Yeah. Go ahead. Your father will hear about this." She says.

"Really ma? We can't keep this our little secret for now?"

"No, Trey. Either I tell him or you." She says.

"It's better that I do the talking." I reply reluctantly.

"Good choice."
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