The truth behind the ink ilness.

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Boris has an angry but mad face on him... you look at him... he looks at you but this time instead he had an angrier, bendy saw this and started to give Boris a death stare, "I think we are close to the exit lad, I smell fresh air." Then you and the rest of the crew heard a loud sound like a grumble.... "Umm bendy lad, please tell me that was your stomach" said Felix "I'm afraid not mr Felix-" awnsered bendy "THEN YALL LADS BETTER HOLD ON I THINK THATS A DROP" "well ima go-" Cala Maria said swimming off(With Mickey and the crew is out shoping near a water fall and river) a big cracking noise spread all over the town, "Oi, THE WATER FALL IS CRACKING RUN!" Some one yelled, "AHHHHHHHHHH" the questers were sent out of the waterfall like it was a slide, luckily the water dident hit the town and so the crew did right next to Mickey and Oswald (sorry if I spelt it wrong) "oh goodness!" Said Mickey as you and the crew landed safely "are you guys ok?" Said Oswald picking Felix up "mhm" Felix blushed as he got picked up "y/n are you alright?" Bendy put out his hand to help you up "yeah I'm alright" you grabbed bendys hand and so he helped you up "well you guys are externally wet! You guys can get sick, let's go to my place and you guys can sleep there" said mickey 'wait a minute is that mouse inviting us to his place-' bendy thought "hey I don't that that's a-" boris put his hand on bendys mouth and said "we would love to!!" 'It nice of him to give us shelter... but I've seen how he acts around boris.... I've given him two chances already and in all of them he messed up... not to mention... it's like he's avoiding me and paying all his attention to Boris... I don't think it's just me who sees that... it's not like I don't want my bro to enjoy his time with his idol, after all we are on a quest with MY idol.. I just want him to be safe.. but when it comes to mr Mickey.... I think I'll set a discussion later with mr mickey.....' bendy tought.... (At mr mickeys place) " here's your room.! With you and Boris" said Mickey "thanks sir" said bendy "no problem!" Replied Mickey, Mickey walked out of Boris and bendys room and so you waved at him, he walked over to you and said "I'm glad you back, would you mind helping me fix the washing mechine, goofy broke it he he...." "Sure I would love to help!" You responded and went to go help Mickey "he allwase has to brake it he he..." you said with a smile "yup but he has a heart of gold when it comes to saying sorry" added Mickey (back to bendy) bendy changed out of his wet clothes, "hey bendy you alright in there?" Said Boris "yeah I'll be right out in a few mins " responded bendy "alright" said Boris, bendy looked at a photo of him and boris when they were little 'this is the first time we fought in years..... what has gotten into innocent boris... I should worrie about that later...' bendy put the photo down and walked out, he remembered about the talk he was gonna do with Mickey so he asked. " ey boris, we'res mr Mickey?" "Oh y/n is in the laundry room and I think mr Mickey is there to" awnsered boris "thanks bro" he walked over to the laundry room, boris was suspicious so he followed bendy without him knowing "umm hey mr Mickey we need to talk...." Said bendy "oh! What do you need to talk to me about?" You looked confused at bendy "and (y/n).... Please get out for a bit it's kinda privet..." said bendy "oh sure I don't mind" you said, you saw that Boris was following bendy but he gave you a sign to be quiet, you wanted to know what was going on, you were curious so you stayed to listen as well. "You have bin weird with my brother ever since we met you, I need to know if you don't have a weird thing for him plus you've bin isolating him from me. I'm sorry if I did something to you, but it doesn't mean that you can take my own brother from me" bendy said with a small tempered voice "oh bendy.... I wasent trying to take him away from you, it's a big misunderstanding." Said Mickey "then what we're you exactly trying to do Ey?" Responded bendy "well.. we lost some one very dear to us.... Because of the ink illness... so when I saw you had it to I felt bad because I thought you were gonna die.... And in case it happened early on I just wanted to give your brother a home... I have mother agenst you I swear, to be honest I just dident wanna get to attached, I know this sounds harsh... I just don't want him to be alone... if it happened early... for him to know that there is allwase some one for him...." Said Mickey "oh... I understand but you can't keep him away from me.... It's even better for him to be with me longer if it's gonna be that way... you know if I die early on..... I've tried to talk to him about it but.... It's like he can't even think of a world without me..." bendy said ,you and Boris heard it all.... You were afraid to lose your first friend... and Boris was afraid to lose his only brother... you grabbed Boris arm and took him to another room... (extra long just how I like it)

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