A confession turned into tragedy

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"WELL WE DO MAKE A GOOD TEAM BUT COUPLE PFFT YEAH NO NO" you and bendy said "oh hah ha yeah that's what I meant" said Felix "he he yeah let's just go to bed now alright lads" added Felix. Everyone agreed with a simple nod "Ey Felix can I talk to you... in the tent" you asked Felix "sure we can share a tent and you can talk to me there" Felix said with a smile. You tried to smile a bit.. bendy felt more fear from you ever before.. "Ey uhh... y/n are you alright... you seem afraid of something.." bendy said looking at you worried. You said yes with a small nod and smile. "Well let's go to our tents! Bendy your with Boris cup with mug and y/n
with me" said Felix 'yeah no she's not acting normal at all..' bendy thought again zoned out into his thoughts.. "bendy are you ok??" Boris asked bendy. Bendy zoned out "oh yeah yeah I'm alright let's just go to the tents.." bendy and Boris went into there tents and so did the rest "so what did you wanna talk about y/n?" Asked Felix "well... remember when bendy... in his..." "in his weird form...". Said Felix and you "it now scares me to think about bendy that way... I know he was... fighting on our side but... what if one day in that form... he decides to pick the other side.. it's like bendy couldn't remember he was even in that from.." you said looking down at your hands... bendy heard you talking threw the tent and stayed to listen "bendy come on-" "sh.." Boris said and bendy responded "I never thought of it in that way..." Felix said looking at you "and... don't tell bendy what I am about to say..." you said "I'll never tell a soul..." Felix replied "I.. I... followed bendy... he went to go talk to mr Mickey... I was curious so I stayed to listen... Boris did as well... bendy was talking about how he felt because it seems like mr Mickey was paying attention to Boris and not him... mr Mickey responded by saying... by saying.." you started to sob and struggle to talk... "they said he would die soon..." you cried of fear your hands began shake "no no don't cry.. sh sh..." Felix hugged you. Outside of the tent bendy was giving Boris a death stare "SO YOU DONT TRUST ME?! TO BE ALONE FOR A MOMENT?!" Bendy yelled at Boris "hey what's going on-" cup head said getting out side the tent. Half of bendys face looked like the ink demon. You heard the scream from bendy and walked out of your tent . He looks at you with his tail lashing in anger. You see his face and your heart stops for a moment "AND YOU OVER HERE BEING NOSEY! SO I SEE NONE OF YOU GUYS TRUST ME!!" Bendy yelled while walking more near to you, you triped on a rock making you fall to the ground on to your back, bendys hand had sharper claws then normal and claws your eye luckily not getting your eye but around it. You scream in pain and you look at bendy getting up and running to the woods in fear on the way trying not to scream in pain "Y/N!" Cup head yelled chasing you down "BENDY YOU NEED A TO CALM DOWN!" Felix yelled running over to bendy, Boris started to cry and Boris noticed this making him snap out of his anger "Boris-" bendy looks at Boris...

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