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Boris pov

Me and (y/n) started to walk back to the hotel. It started to get dark but the city's lights where bright enough. It starts to rain, everyone has an umbrella except for us. "Darn it, we don't have an umbrella " I said "I actually haven't seen the rain in... a while so I don't mind a little rain" she said looking up at the sky. "Well that's interesting " I said. Fluffy started to try to eat the raindrops which made me and (y/n) laugh but everyone around us looked at us weird, because of willow with his horns and fluffy with his three heads, every look they gave us (y/n) acted like if it was nothing, I actually admire that of her, anything that the others may say about her... it's like it's not there decision if she looks good or bad in something or has weird pets she just doesn't care... I see her and she's looking up at the sky with the raindrops falling down her face and blinking slowly just enjoying the walk. Once we arrive at the hotel we are all a bit wet but we don't really care "now let's go to our rooms" she says. I nod and we go to our room.

(Y/ns) pov

I enjoyed the rain but now we have to get to our rooms, I walk into the room with Boris and the dogs and the first thing I see is bendy cup mug and Felix on the bed sitting crossing there legs. "Oh great, you guys are back. Bendy had one of those ink illness attacks while you guys where gone-" before I let Felix finish I drop the bags from the store onto the ground and run up to the bed "bendy are you alright?! Are you ok?! What happened when I was gone?!" I asked a lot of questions because I was worried "I'm alright (y/n)... thanks to Felix that is" bendy said "I'm so sorry I left! I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!" I felt guilty because I left bendy all alone. I took bendy out of Felix's hands and hugged him tightly. Boris came over "yeah bendy bro are you ok?" Boris asked bendy. I just hugged bendy tightly because I was worried, I feel a small tear go down my face "you seem more weak than usual!" I said to bendy "yeah... for some reason it took a lot of energy out of me..." bendy said in a soft voice which made me even more worried. I grabbed the blanket and covered him in it while I hugged him "I'm sorry I left you bendy I should of told Felix before I left!" I said crying a bit.

Bendys pov

I can't have a lot of energy at the moment but I feel happy that (y/n) is worried for me, it means that she cares for me. "We should go to bed. We will set off tomorrow to keep going on the quest you guys should rest." Cup head said " yeah bendy should get his rest" mug man said "I agree" both Felix and bendy said at the same time "alright then" I said still hugging bendy "well let's go to our room mugs" cup head said pulling mug by the Handel "ow ow ow ow ow ow" mug man said getting pulled out of the room."bye- ow ow ow good night- ow ow ow" mug said as he got dragged out "hahaha... well yeah good night, Boris and (y/n) take care of bendy alright" Felix said as he walked out of the room. (Y/n) nodded as she still hugged me "I need to go change now (y/n) come on let go" I said "alright..." she took the blanket off me and I got up "I cant feel my legs..." I said trying to walk but then fell down "bendy are you alright?!" (Y/n) said helping me up "yeah... yeah... augh..." I looked up at her and she had a worried face. "I'll help bendy change, bendy Im Just gonna pick you up this once please don't get mad" Boris said "just help me change Boris...." I said, we went to the bathroom "I didn't eat all day" I said "yeah neither have I" Boris said. I laughed a bit. Boris helped me change and once we got out of the bathroom (y/n) was fixing the bed making it look more comfortable than usual "if your gonna get your rest you might as well get it as comfy as possible " she said. I just smiled and Boris laughed. (Y/n) helped me get onto my the bed "I am kinda sleepy so..." I yawned Boris got onto the bed and we turned off the lights "ima stay up all night just to make sure you ok" (y/n) said. I smiled (two minutes later) two minutes later and (y/n) fell asleep on my chest, Boris and I where still awake "hey Boris...." I said "yeah bends?" Boris said "don't you think that (y/n) is getting a little over protective of me?" I asked Boris "well you can't say that, but she really cares about you, even if you hurt her last time she still cares about you," Boris said. At his words I felt a bit bad that I hurt her. She now had a scar across her eye... I touched her face and closed my eyes... "I feel guilty from hurting her... she always puts others before herself... in my book that's bad... I just can't imagine her giving up her life just for a little demon like me... she's an angle and I'm the demon in this book... we have to stay on our sides or else the other may get hurt..." I said. Boris looked at me and hugged me "she'll be alright... you'll be alright..." he said hugging me. My eyes widened. I hugged him back... "I'll be able to gain my energy resting but she won't be able to because he will be worried..." I stroked her head as she fell asleep on my chest. I kissed her head... "I just can't imagine her being sad if I ever have to go... neither can I imagine you... she will think it's her fault and you as well..." I put my head on Boris shoulder. "Don't say that... you will live... trust me bro..." Boris said hugging me tight. We both fell asleep in that position...

Y/ns pov

In the middle of the night I would keep waking up for some reason.... And I keeped getting the same nightmare.... The devil taking fluffy and willow... them whineing as it happened... me crying and then..... I would wake up.... (to be continued/ long one for you guys)

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