Puppy shoping spree

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(We at 100 readers... 🥹🥹👌 I love y'all so much...)

Y/ns pov

Me and Boris are walking over to a nearby pet store with fluffy and who I now is willow! "What color do you think the dogs like?" Boris asked me "I'm not sure but ima guess fluffy likes.... Orange and willow likes navy blue." I said "actually yeah I see it" Boris said smiling. I looked at the pups, the have never barked really. "We know that willows growl is- well menacing but hay he's pretty gentle right?" I said "yeah and he doesn't do it much anyways" Boris said but then we arrived "alright let's go in!" It was already the afternoon so the store was full of people. "Uh- wow this place must be popular-" I said as we walked in "let's just get what we need and then get out" Boris said. I nodded and we first went to the harness section. "Hey what about this one?" Boris says showing me a bright orange harness "that actually looks cute!" I said with my eyes sparkling "let's see if fluffy likes it tho!" I showed it to fluffy who was in Boris arms. He sniffed it and then started to wag his tail while sticking his touch out. He tried to reach for it but I pulled back "this works! And fluffy we gotta pay for it first!" I said. Willow snarled at all of the harnesses "do you want a collar instead?" Boris said looking at willow. Willow nodded and so we walked to the other end of the store because that's where they were. Willow jumped out of my arms immediately "WILLOW-" I yanked him back once he jumped "you can't do that all right buddy?" I said looking at him still trying to jump out of my arms. He pointed to a spike collar. It was a black collar with a navy blue name tag. "Oh yeah they need a name tag, we will also get a collar for fluffy plus the harness just because he needs a name tag." Boris said. I agreed, I grabbed the collar the pups wanted. "Hey do you think we will need more stuff?" I said to Boris "yeah maybe you should get some water bowls for them" Boris said "ima need to but five if I include the three heads and jackpot." I mumbled. Boris just laughed as we walked to go get them "no I just think you'll need one for them. They share the same body anyways." Boris said smiling. I smiled back holding  willow. "Here we are what do you guys want?" I said. Willow pointed at a silicon travel bowl that could fit in my bag. "Oo! What color do you guys want?" Willow pointed to a black one and fluffy pointed to a baby blue bowl. I grabbed them both and showed them to Boris "those are great options!" He was petting fluffy. Willow looked at me and he started to spreed his legs "you wanna be bigger?" I asked him. He nodded "alright" I said putting him down "oh yeah he has the power to become bigger or smaller" Boris said. Willow became a bit bigger. As big as a German shepherd to be serviced. "Alright but I can't pick you up now, you gotta walk" I said, willow nodded. "You know what would be cute? If they wore little sweaters or jackets!" Boris said. Fluffy started to wag his tail but willows jaw just dropped and then he waged his tail "I think they like your idea, let's go" I said to Boris as we ran to the little outfit place. "Alright so what do you guys want from here?" Boris put fluffy down so he can decide to, willow brought back a jacket, a hoodie a shirt and some little boots! (Any color you want on this one) fluffy brought a small shirt a hoodie and some shoes (any colors as well) "AWW THATS PERFECT!" Boris said picking fluffy back up and spinning around with him. They both wagged there tail and smiled. I just laughed a bit and willow rolled his eyes. "Let's also get something for jackpot." I said looking at the water bowl I was gonna get him "I say he will just like a small sweater" I said grabbing a (any color) sweater. "Now let's go pay" i said. Boris nodded and we went to the cashier. On the way I saw some black leashes. That was the only color they had so I grabbed those. "that's all? How was you shopping?" The cashier asked us "good!" Me and Boris said "alright. Your total is 27.8" said the cashier. "That's actually kinda cheap" I said taking out my wallet from my pocket. I payed for it and me and Boris said good bye. I immediately put the collar and leash on willow plus there sweaters and shoes. "Aww" Boris said. Fluffy had a shirt that said "good boy here" and willow had a hoodie that had a skull and it said "bad to da bone". Me and Boris laughed a bit and willows sweater but willow just waged his tail. He was happy he made us laugh. And so we went on our way back to the hotel. (Long story about the puppies on a shopping spree 🥹❤️)

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