Before you start the day

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Y/ns pov

I feel like I can't sleep anymore... I looked at a clock... it was already 4:46 am so the others will wake up soon, because they wake up at 5:00 sharp since today we are going to continue the quest, I decide to wash my face and get ready early. I washed my face and got ready, I also went to a laundry mat that opened early just to wash the crews clothes, I can't really fight the monsters like Felix cup mug and bendy, but I can still be some help in the little details, when I got back to the hotel the alarm was about to go out so I decided to pack up the clothes with the little amount of time I had, turns out willow woke up when I left to the laundry mat but he didn't make any noise. "Good morning buddy. I see fluffy haven't woken up either" I said. Willow nodded "come on let's get you ready" I added and then went to get out the leash for him. He was a polite dog but he sorta acted like a guard dog so he would follow me around every where. After I put on the leash on willow bendy and Boris woke up "good morning guys." I said smiling. I was still very tired because I couldn't sleep last night but I tried not to show it "good morning (y/n)" bendy said rubbing his eyes "I went to the laundry mat next door to wash some clothes!" I said smiling. "Thanks (y/n)" Boris said but then we heard a knock on the door. I went over and opened it "good morning bendy Boris and (y/n)!" Felix said. Cup and mug where with him and mug smiled waving "we're going to a cafe to eat breakfast, it's just next door pretty close" Felix added "you guys should come with us" cup said "yeah you guys can go we'll be there soon" bendy said "alright, cya there guys, bye!" Felix said leaving "ba bye" I said

Bendys pov

I get up fine this time I can walk now. "Oh great! You got you energy back!" (Y/n) said smiling. "Uh- hey did you grow last night or-" I notice that I reach (y/ns) shoulders now and Boris as well "AYYY!!" I shouted and raised my arms up. (Y/n) just laughed. She picked me up "but I'm still taller" she said then she put me down "but I'm stronger" I picked her up with one arm and she laughed "alright now put me back down bendy" she laughed and so I did "well you guys go change. I'll wait here!" She said. Me and Boris nodded and went to go change in the bathroom "it's really nice of her washing our clothes" Boris said "I agree" I said to Boris. After we change I see      (Y/n) holding the bags and my satchel "here you go, no come on Felix and the rest are waiting" she said "alright let's go" I said. Once we got there Felix cup and mug where already at a table "over here guys!" Felix said "ima be over here real quick I'll be with you guys in a sec" she said "alright suit yourself " I said to her. We went over to Felix and the rest at the table. Then the cafe maid came along "what do you guys wanna order?" The cafe maid said. I didn't really pay attention because I was looking around for where (y/n) went "and what would you like sir?" The maid said to me. "I'm surprised. This is the first time anyone has called me sir" I said "yeah because your taller now- I just noticed that-" cup said "anyways can I just get an iced coffee and the bagels with avocado?" I said "sure it'll be out soon!" The cafe maid said and then left. "I'm surprised you didn't try to flirt with her" Boris said "I'm already with (y/n) so why should I? It's not like I'll get any far" I said "oh yeah, actually can I talk to them what you talked to me about, you and (y/n)" Felix said. I just gave a simple nod "bendy is kinda wanting to ask (y/n) on a date but he doesn't really know how" Felix said. I heard foot steps and before I let Felix say another word I said "oh hey (y/n)" I saw her walking over to the table "sorry, willow just needed me to fix his collar, what did I miss?" She said "will the waitress already came over so you might wanna ask for something once she comes back" mug man said "well that sucks" she said. It was a pet friendly cafe so willow and fluffy just sat next to the table. Not making a movement they where really respectful. "Ok here you guys go- oh hello ma'am you must have came late what do you want?" The maid came over and gave the rest of us food and asked (y/n) what she wanted "oh can I just have the 6 inch French style sandwich with a iced coffee please?" She said with a smile "of course! I'll be back!" The maid said then left "actually I'm surprised that you didn't flirt with her bendy" she told me "THATS WHAT I SAID!" Boris said. I rolled my eyes and smirked. We where just chatting and then the maid came again "here you go ma'am!" Said the cafe maid and then gave (y/n) her food "thank you! Have a nice day" (y/n) said "you as well" the maid said. (Y/n) just ain't her food without saying a word. Fluffy on there other hand wanted her food. She gave fluffy the sign to stay quiet and passed a piece of her food under the table for fluffy to eat. I giggled a bit and then she noticed. She just smiled and rolled her eyes. After we finished eating Felix Called for the check and and payed. And so we left to our next spot... Mt. Eruptus...

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