Emotions change

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(Y/ns) pov

I'm extremely tired but... bendy understands it and he isn't angry or upset. "Do you  want me to carry the backpack?" He asked me. I shake my head no "alright well we should keep going" he said. I nodded. "Felix we are ready to go" bendy said getting off my lap "you sure (y/n)?" Felix asks me. I nod slowly blinking getting up and putting on the backpack. "The princess is angry ooo" cup said. I start crack my fist and then see willow take off his collar and grow bigger making his horns even bigger and making a second eye appear on both sides "WOAH WOAH WOAH- I DONT THINK WE NEED TO GO THERE-" Boris mug and Felix says while bendy just tries to calm me down. I sigh and relax a bit making willow become back to his smaller size. I turn around and grab bends hand. He smiles "cup is so ignorant..." I mumble "just calm down alright." Bendy said hugging my arm "hey Boris, what does this other boss we have to fight look like?" Felix asked "well it says here that it has the body of a dragon but has threw heads of one as well" Boris said. I heard something. Something like a... like things in the bushes. I decide not to mind it and keep walking. "Hey (y/n). Why does willow have the power to grow bigger and not fluffy?" Felix asked me "I'm not sure actually... he just doesn't..." I said "but I bet he would like it" I said and chuckled. Fluffy started to pretend he was big and strong. I laughed and a small tear of laughter fell down my cheek. Bendy looked at me and smiled with his eyes shining. We walked even further and further to get to the next boss. I calmed down and was a bit more awake. I started to be a bit goofy make the group smile but cup wasn't smiling, not at all. But hey, four out of five is good for me. (Sorry it's short again I'm having a lot of work nowadays)

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