My New Life

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Allen Sauders once said, "Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans". My name is Sarah Williams. I was twelve years old when I died. Tragic right? I've lived a pretty good life; loving parents, two best friends, and stayed out of trouble. So how did I die?

Simple: Cancer.

I have been in the hospital since I was nine years old. I never got to do much because of my health. But I was able to go to some places in my home state of Minnesota. I loved spending each day with my loved ones. My two best friends were cancer patients like me. We spent every day together doing something crazy but was okay for us to do. There was no cure for my cancer. I accepted that fact.

However, something strange happened soon after I died; I was reincarnated into another world. Not just any world: the Pokémon world as Cora Joy, the daughter of Nurse Joy. It was quite shocking too. I was surprised at first, but then I got excited. I've always wished that I could go to the Pokémon world. When I was still a baby, I realized that I could understand Pokémon which was a shock for me. You would be surprised what some Pokémon would be saying. However, that made me become closer to Pokémon. Even though my new mom is Nurse Joy which meant that I would also have to be a Pokémon Nurse. But I was able to convince my mom that I didn't want to become a nurse, but a Pokémon trainer. At first she was hesitant on letting me become a trainer, however she could easily tell how much I wanted to become one. So she said 'yes'. When I was five years old, I found an injured female shiny Eevee near the Pokémon Center. I took her to my mom who was able to help her. Somehow Eevee got attached to me as she was recovering. I'd asked mom if Eevee could stay with me. Seeing how much we bonded, mom let Eevee stay with me. So I named her 'Kilala'.

Because I wanted to learn more about Pokémon, mom suggested that I should become Prof. Oak's assistant. She had requested the said professor if I could learn from him. The old man was more than happy to let me be his apprentice. It was a great experience to learn from Prof. Oak; exploring the regions, meeting the regional professors and encountering all kinds of Pokémon. As Prof. Oak and I traveled, I gained three new partners; Nuri the shiny Charmander, Talia the Swablu, and Jackal the shiny Riolu.

I met Nuri when Prof. Oak and I went to the Kalos Region to meet Prof. Sycamore. Nuri was found abandoned when Sycamore was giving us a tour around Lumiose City. She was found in an alleyway with so many bruises which meant that the shiny Charmander was abused. It took a day or two for Nuri to trust me. But she was able to when she soon realized that I was here to help her, not hurt her. By the time we had to leave, it was obvious that Nuri wanted to come with us. With some convincing from Prof. Oak, Nuri joined us.

Talia appeared near Prof. Oak's coral one afternoon when I was feeding the Pokémon. The poor thing accidentally slammed into a tree, breaking her wing. Being the daughter of a Pokémon nurse, I wanted to help her. It didn't take much convincing to let her know that I wasn't going to hurt her. She somehow easily trusted me. After two days of waiting for her wing to heal, Talia was finally able to fly. However, Talia didn't want to leave me. Seeing that Talia didn't want to leave me, mom let me keep her.

Jackal was found as an egg. When I was eight, Prof. Oak received a Pokémon egg from Prof. Rowan. Apparently, the Sinnoh Professor found it near his lab. The strange thing about the egg was that it hadn't hatched for almost a year which worried Rowan. So he decided to send it to Prof. Oak and see what he could find out. The Professor and I tried to think of why the egg wasn't hatching. Prof. Oak gave me the task to take care of the egg. Two months later, the egg hatched a shiny Riolu. Professor Oak and I were shocked at the Pokémon. He theorized that Jackal didn't hatch was because it was looking for an aura user. Since Rowan or any of his assistants weren't ones, it was possible that I was one. Prof. Oak and Prof. Rowan agreed that I should keep Jackal and train under an aura guardian. Mom was uncomfortable of me leaving Viridian City to train under an aura guardian. But with Oak and Rowan's help, I was able to find a teacher for me. A few months after I turned nine, I completed my aura training. The guardians were impressed that I was able to adapt to aura so quickly. With Jackal by my side, it made things much easier.

Later on, the four Pokémon had evolved; Nuri became a Charizard, Talia became an Altaria and Jackal became a shiny Lucario. Also Kilala had evolved into a blue Espeon with a green jewel on her forehead.

But there was something strange, yet extraordinary about Kilala. She's able to do most of the attacks from the other evolutions of Eevee. She's able to use Aura Sphere which was another shocking thing about her. Prof. Oak hypothesized that maybe because Kilala was a shiny Pokémon, she's able to do the impossible. Also maybe that I'm an aura guardian. However, Kilala still remains a mystery to this day.

I hope to do some things different in the Pokémon show. Even though I encountered some of the characters before the start of my journey. Gary Oak, Prof. Oak's grandson for one, would not stop coming up to me and ask to become of his personal cheerleaders which I flat out refused. I would run into Ash Ketchum from time to time. The boy had a huge amount of positive energy in that little body of his. Even though he's incredibly friendly and upbeat, the major negative things about him are that he's never careful, somewhat dumb, too optimistic and very dense in just about everything in life.

For me, I'm excited for my upcoming journey. Even though my mom doesn't want me to become a trainer, she'll support me for my dream which I'm grateful of. Until then, I'll have to wait when I turn ten to start my journey.

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