The Great Mysterious Garden

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The gang are headed off to Cinnabar Island where Cora will earn her next gym badge and where Cora and her friends can have their fossils revived by the scientists.

At the moment, Cora, Alain and Mairin were at a Pokémon Center. Cora was training with Kalmia (Chikorita), who she knew was close to evolving. But she asked Kalmia if she wanted to evolve. Kalmia told her when she masters Solar Beam, she'll want to evolve.

Suddenly, the gang heard the doors slam opened and they spotted Ash, and his friends entered the center. Ash was carrying a Bulbasaur in his arms.

"Nurse Joy help, there's something wrong with Bulbasaur!" Ash cried for help.

Nurse Abigail Joy came over and inspected Bulbasaur, "Oh dear, Chansey let's get to work!"

"Chansey! (On it!)" Chansey said as they both took Bulbasaur in the back leaving the gang in the waiting room.

Cora (carrying Kalmia in her arms), Alain and Mairin walked over to Ash and his friends.

"Ash, what happened?" Cora asked.

"Bulbasaur was battling against a trainer with a Rhydon. We won the battle and then Bulbasaur's bulb started glowing while wincing in pain." Ash replied and frowned with worry, "I knew I should have convinced Bulbasaur to stop battling and get some rest. What was I thinking?"

"Pika pikachu. (He'll be fine.)" Pikachu assured his friend rubbing against his cheek.

"Don't blame yourself Ash, Bulbasaur's been acting strange lately anyway and besides Bulbasaur himself wanted to keep battling." Brock told him.

Ash sat down still worried, "I guess you're right."

"I wonder what was wrong with the bulb on Bulbasaur's back? It was glowing blue." Misty wondered.

"Guess we'll find out when Nurse Joy's done with him." Alain said.


It didn't take very long because Nurse Joy brought Bulbasaur right back out, Ash went up to him quickly, "How is he?" He asked rubbing the grass-type's head gently.

"Your Bulbasaur is just fine, in fact you'll be happy to know that Bulbasaur will evolve soon." Nurse Abigail Joy smiled.

"Evolve?!" Ash exclaimed.

"That's great news!" Misty smiled.

"Togephrii! (Great news!)" Jevin (Togepi) said.

"So that's why Bulbasaur's bulb was glowing blue, and he was shaking, it all makes sense now." Brock realized.

"This is a special occasion because Bulbasaur will evolve at a special festival that's just for the Bulbasaur's." Nurse Abigail Joy informed them.

"Guess that means other Bulbasaur's will be evolving soon then too." Brock said.

"That's right, all the Bulbasaur's go to a secret location that's just for them and once they return, they become Ivysaur's now." Nurse Abigail Joy informed.

"Chiko! (Hi Bulbasaur!)" Kalmia greeted.

Bulbasaur turned to Kalmia and was surprised to see her, "Bulba, bulbasaur! (Kalmia, it's good to see you!)" He greeted her happily.

"It's good to see you too, Bulbasaur." Cora greeted.

"Cora, have you met Bulbasaur before?" Ash asked.

"Why yes, he and Kalmia came from the Hidden Village. Kalmia decided to come with me after I helped her. I didn't expect that you had Bulbasaur with you." Cora replied.

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