Cora the Mermaid Princess & Alain the Prince

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The gang had arrived in Cerulean City. They came here for a small break before they head over to Viridian City. They were on their way to Viridian City where Cora will get her eighth and final gym badge and enter the Indigo League. They decided to visit Misty's sisters.


"Well here we are guys, the Cerulean Gym." Cora said as they stood in front of the said gym.

Then they entered inside. It was mostly empty.

"I wonder where everyone is." Mairin commented.

"Hey Cora, Alain, Mairin!" A female voice called out.

They turned to the voice and saw Lily standing there.

"Hey Lily!" Cora greeted.

"So what are you three doing here?" Lily asked.

"Well we decided to visit before I go to Viridian City for my last badge." Cora replied.

"Wow, you're getting your last badge, huh?" Lily asked, smiled.

"Yup. I'm so excited yet nervous at the same time." Cora admitted.

"Don't worry, I know you'll be able to beat that gym leader, Cora." Lily assured her.

"Thanks, Lily." Cora thanked her.

"By the way, since you're here, I was wondering if you and Alain could do my sisters and I a favor." Lily said.

"What kind of favor?" Cora asked.


"Anyways, we like totally need your help, Cora." Daisy said.

"With what?" Cora asked.

"You see, the truth is we need help attracting crowds to our performances lately." Violet confessed.

"Not that many have been coming as much as they used to." Lily added.

"So, we like decided to have Cora to be in one of our live shows to attract more people." Daisy smiled.

"We decided that Cora will be the Mermaid." Lily announced.

"And Alain will be the Merman." Violet added.

Cora and Alain blinked for a moment, letting the information sink in, before they stared at them in horror, "What?!"


Having no other choice, Cora and Alain agreed to be in the show, reluctantly. At the moment, Cora and Alain were trying on their costumes.

"I feel ridiculous." Alain muttered.

Alain's costume was a dark blue mermaid tail, a shark tooth necklace, and he was also shirtless. 

"Oh come on, Alain. You look great, you'll bring in quite a female crowd." Violet assured him.

"Somehow that doesn't make me feel any better." Alain deadpanned.

"Are you sure I look, okay?" Cora asked.

Alain and Violet turned to the voice and Alain's breath hitched at Cora's costume. Cora was wearing a light pink mermaid tail, a yellow seashell in her hair that was down, and two light pink seashells covering her chest.

'She's beautiful.' Alain thought with pink dusted on his cheeks.

"Oh Cora, you look so pretty!" Violet squealed.

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