Dig Those Diglett!

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The group was taking a pathway through some mountains trying to figure out how to get to Fuchsia City.

Brock takes a look at the map again, "Strange...it says that Fuchsia City should be right over the mountain."

Misty sighed, "Over which mountain? Because all we see are mountains."

Brock pulled out the map, "The map says the Fuchsia Gym is on the other side of one of these mountains right over there. Is it this way? Or that way? Or maybe it's that way. Oh, great, we're surrounded by mountains on every side!"

Mairin groaned, "Uh, don't tell me we're lost again."

"Okay... I won't tell you." Brock said.

Then Cora remembered her phone. There were times that she forgot about that it had a map on it. She took it out, "Well according to my phone, once we passed these mountains, we should find Fuchsia City."

"Really?" Misty asked with hope in her eyes.

Cora nodded, "Yup."

Suddenly, there was a noise of large explosion, which caused the gang all to shout and duck down.

Once the noise stopped, they looked up to where they thought it was coming from.

"I wonder what that was about." Misty said as they stood up.

They heard another explosion and looked to where it was coming from.

"It's over there." Ash said and they ran up the mountain and stopped at the edge of a small cliff when they saw trucks driving past us on a road, toward a construction site and saw a rock fell from the edge of a cliff. Holes appeared from the ground, making the trucks stop and some flipped over.

"What a wreck." Misty said.

"This is terrible!" Brock exclaimed before they ran down the cliff and ran toward the trucks.

A man walked out of one of the trucks and knelt down, hitting the ground, "I just can't take it anymore!"

"Are you all right, sir?" Cora asked.

"It's the Diglett! They are destroying everything!" The man shouted.

"The Diglett?" Ash asked.

The man pointed to the side in anger, "See? They're right over there!"

They looked to where he was pointing, and found a few Diglett in the ground, popping up and down in the holes. Cora took out her phone:

[Diglett, the Mole Pokémon. Diglett love to create underground tunnels. The movement of these Ground Pokémon can be easily detected by their tracks of upturned earth.]

Diglett popped up from the ground with a closed eye smile.

"Aw, how cute." Mairin smiled at the mole Pokémon who smiled back.

Then she felt a presence behind her and glanced over nervously at the man.

"You think they cute, do you?" he yelled and Mairin quickly moved away. "Thanks to them, we can't finish building that dam!" He glared toward the Diglett, "I hate Diglett! I hate Diglett! I hate them!"

"Wow, he really does hate them." Cora whispered to her friends.

"Sure does." Misty agreed.

"Although I don't see any upturned earth." Cora pointed out as she looked at the road.

The man suddenly stepped closer to Cora, which made her yelp and step back, "That's because the ground here is covered by concrete but if you would look closely."

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