Showdown At Dark City

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Somehow, Cora had lost sight of Ash and his friends after they left Stone Town. Before reaching their destination, the gang met an Old Hippie who played songs on his Pokéflute, which woke up Kilala and Chespie from their naps. They came to the next town, only to find out that there was no food in any of the stores and restaurants. The reason why was because there was a drought which meant no food, no water, and no river or stream anywhere.

The gang thought it was odd, so they went to find the source of the problem. So they followed the river and found the source: A Snorlax who was sleeping in front of a bunch of thorns that was blocking the stream water.

They knew that they needed to move Snorlax. So they tried other ways: an alarm clock, loudspeaker, a bucket of cold water, and other things. Cora remembered that a Pokéflute should be able to wake up Snorlax and that the old Hippie they ran into earlier had one. But then Team Rocket showed up and wanted to steal Snorlax as well. But the gang was able to send them blasting off before they could even go after the Hippie.

Once they found the Hippie, they asked him if he could wake up Snorlax and he agreed. When they brought the Hippie to Snorlax, he told the gang that the Snorlax belonged to him, which Cora already knew, surprising the others. They told him that Snorlax was blocking the town's water source.

The old Hippie understand and used his Pokéflute to wake up his sleeping Pokémon. It soon woke up and stretched its body. However, the river was still blocked. Then Cora remembered that Snorlax's favorite snack was thorns. Snorlax wasted no time in eating up all of the thorns allowing water to flow through the river again thus saving the town. The gang was glad the town won't have any more problems with these two around and left to continue their journey.


Right now, the gang had just arrived at the entrance to a town known as Dark City.

"So...this is Dark City, huh?" Cora looked around.

"It really is a Ghost town," Mairin observed, "Are you sure this city hasn't been abandoned, Alain?"

"No, this is the right place." Alain confirmed.

"So creepy." Mairin commented.

"Oh it's creepy alright." Cora agreed.

They walked through the town and could easily see how desolated it was. There were practically no people or any other signs of life around this place.

"Hey, there's a woman there with her son." Mairin said about to wave over at them, but the woman herded her son away from the trainers, "What was that about?"

Cora remembered this episode. Two rival gyms wanting to be the official Pokémon gym, who neither care that they were destroying their town in the process. She was really starting to get a bad feeling in this city, "I don't know."

"We should probably be on the lookout for anything." Alain advised.

"Yeah." Cora said.

Suddenly a rock was thrown at her, Luckily Alain caught it before it could hit her. Alain turned his head to where the rock came from. Cora, Mairin and the Pokémon looked to where Alain was staring at and spotted three kids on a roof with rocks in their hands. Alain glared heatedly at them, and the three boys ran away in fear.

"Let's get something to eat and find someone who could tell us what's going on here." Cora suggested.


A restaurant owner, Mr. Jim, saw what happened and invited them in to get something to eat while he explained the situation to them. The three boys from before were also there. The first one was Troy who had reddish brown hair and black eyes. The second was Alex who had black hair and eyes. The last one was Ben who had blue hair and dark blue eyes.

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