The Pokémon League Admissions Exam

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Cora and her friends were walking along the road to the Pokémon League Admissions Exam building. Her mom had called earlier and told her that her aunt Sadie Joy was going to admit herself at the Pokémon League and wanted Cora to go see her. Alise also thought that she should just take the exam for fun since it's been a while since Cora had gotten a gym badge. So Cora decided that she would.

They have taken a break or two on the road and some of the gang's Pokémon had evolved during training. Daisho (Oshawott) evolved into Dewott, Mystique (Sobble) into Drizzile, Althea (Galarian Ponyta) evolved into Galarian Rapidash, Kurama (Zorua) evolved into Zoroark, Hugo (Cyndaquil) into Quilava, and Kishi (Poliwag) into Poliwhirl. Alain's Magby evolved into Magmar, Cyndaquil into Quilava, shiny Zorua into Zoroark, Zweilous into Hydreigon, and Corvisquire into Corviknight. The Squirtle siblings had evolved into Wartortle. Mairin's Bébé (Flabébé) evolved into Florges, Vinicius (Snivy) into Servine, Bryony (Oddish) into Gloom, Nixie (Seel) into Dewgong and Wade (Poliwag) into Poliwhirl.

Funny enough, they had lost Ash and his friends once more. They had lost them after the Mysterious Garden scenario. It was a strange mystery on how they kept losing them and then meeting up with them later again.


The group arrived at the Pokémon League Admissions Exam building. Cora, Alain and Mairin noticed a lot of people in the lobby.

"Wow, I didn't think that there would be this many people who want to take the exam." Mairin commented.

"There are some reasons why they take this exam, Mairin. This exam is mostly for people who can't travel far, certain health conditions and other things." Cora explained.

"Oh, I see." Mairin understood.

Cora walked up to the registration desk and was instantly greeted by a kind woman, "Hello, are you here to take the Admissions Exam?"

"Yes ma'am." Cora said politely.

She registered Cora in the computer database before giving her a number which she took, it read "7" on it meaning it was her testing number.

"How come the twerp got number 7 and not me!" a female voice complained.

Cora instantly turned her head towards her making her turn away. She rolled her eyes, that was obviously Jessie disguised a schoolgirl. She knew why Jessie was here and honestly, she couldn't care less.

"Please follow me to the examination room." The woman said leading the group to where the exam was. Looking around they saw there were other people here, too.

"Look at all of the people here." Mairin said looking around.

Then they soon spotted Cora's aunt.

"Aunt Sadie!" Cora called out as they walked over to her.

Nurse Sadie Joy turned to the sound of her name and saw Cora and her friends.

"Cora!" Sadie Joy called back.

Cora and her friends stood in front of her.

"Mom told me that you were taking this exam and wanted us to give you support." Cora explained.

"I'll make sure to thank her later." Sadie Joy promised.

"She also wants me to take the exam as well." Cora added.

"I wish you luck then, Cora." Sadie Joy prayed.

As they walked into the room the group was greeted by the head instructor, he was a tall man wearing a blue jacket that had the letter "P" on it, "Welcome, before you take the test, please place your Pokéballs on the counter."

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