Reunion at Viridian City

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Soon enough, Cora and Kilala arrived in Viridian City. As they headed towards the Pokémon center, Cora noticed Officer Jenny making an announcement.

"Attention all citizens! The criminal organization Team Rocket has been spotted and people are advised to keep their Pokémon in their Pokéballs and report any suspicious characters!" Officer Jenny announced in the intercom.

"Wait! Hold it!" Officer Jenny yelled and appeared in front of Cora and Kilala.

"Is there something wrong, Officer Jenny?" Cora asked.

Cora knew this Officer Jenny. Her mom is good friends with her. She actually helped convince her mom to let Cora become a Pokémon trainer.

"Oh, Cora. It's good to see you. But yes, may I see your I.D. to make sure that that Pokémon belong to you?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Of course." Cora took out her Rotom Phone and handed it to Officer Jenny.

"Thank you." She pressed a button on the screen, and it showed Cora's basic information, who gave her the phone, and the Pokémon she caught. Officer Jenny smiled and gave it back to Cora. "Everything checks out. Sorry about this, Cora. Team Rocket is on the loose around the city." She apologized, "It looks like you're finally a Pokémon trainer huh?"

"Yup. I was just going to go to the Pokémon Center to see mom and make sure my Pokémon were okay. I wasn't in any particular rush." Cora assured her.

"Well, how about as an apology I take you to the Pokémon Center." Officer Jenny immediately put Cora and Kilala on her motorcycle. "Sit back, hold on, and don't yell."


Soon enough, Officer Jenny made a sudden stop at the doors. "Well, this is as far as I can take you. If I go straight in, your mom will chew me out again."

Cora only laughed shakingly as she slowly got out of the deathtrap that Jenny called her ride.

"No, thank you. This is already enough. I appreciate it." Cora assured her.

After a final goodbye to Jenny, Cora went to her mom at the front desk.

"Hello mom." Cora greeted her mom.

Alise Joy offered a kind smile. "Cora, welcome back. How was it at Prof. Oak's?"

Cora smiled brightly in return, "It was great. He gave me a Froakie as a starter and a Rotom phone. Also, Prof. Sycamore also gave me three Mega Stones and a Keystone." She replied, showing the Keystone bracelet.

"That's great. Make sure you thank Prof. Sycamore for all those stones and that bracelet, okay?" Alise Joy requested.

"I will." Cora promised.

Cora held out her Pokéballs on the counter. Then Kilala jumped onto the counter. "Could you heal and check my Pokémon, mom? I want to make sure they're healthy."

Alise Joy's smile grew bigger and took out a tray for her Pokéballs and Kilala. "Why certainly! It's no trouble at all. Why don't you get comfortable in the waiting room while I do the necessary check-ups?"

Cora nodded.

"Could you do ours too?" A male voice asked next to her.

Cora turned to the voice and saw two familiar faces. It was Alain Sycamore and his little sister, Mairin.

"Alain, Mairin! So good to see you two again!" Alise beamed.

"Alain? Mairin? What are you two doing here?" Cora questioned, surprised.

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