Challenge of the Samurai

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It was the next morning that Cora, Alain, and Mairin left Viridian City and were walking through the Viridian Forest which is where beginner trainers are able to find a lot of bug Pokémon. They were excited to be in the forest and both hoped to find some more Pokémon for their team. After walking for a while, they spotted a Pokémon.

"A Caterpie." Cora took out her Rotom Phone:

[Caterpie, the Worm Pokémon. To repel enemies, Caterpie releases an unpleasant odor from its red antenna. It molts several times while growing.]

"Should I catch it?" Cora asked.

"A Bug Type Pokémon would be a handy one to have." Alain replied.

"Espeon." Kilala greeted the Bug type Pokémon.

"Chespin!" Chespie greeted.

"Caterpie!" Caterpie greeted back.

"Well it looks like Kilala and Chespie just made a new friend." Alain said, smiled.

"It seems like Kilala is able to make any kind of friend." Cora commented, smiling.

"So, will you catch it?" Mairin asked.

"Sure, that would be great." Cora replied.

She walked up to Kilala, Chespie and Caterpie. When the three noticed her, she knelt down in front of them, "Caterpie." The said Pokémon looked up at Cora. "Would you like to come with us? We'll help you evolve into a Butterfree before you know it."

Caterpie stared at Cora and Kilala for a moment and smiled, "Caterpie!"

Cora took out a Pokéball and tapped Caterpie on its forehead and soon it was sucked inside. The Pokéball wiggled three times before it went 'ding'.

"Yes, we got a Caterpie!" Cora posed with Kilala.


After a few minutes of walking, the trio decided to take a break. They luckily found a good camping place next to a lake. Cora and Alain took out the bowls of Pokémon food for the Pokémon and let them out to have some while she took out a few sandwiches from her backpack and handed them to Alain and Mairin.

Soon after lunch was finished, the group cleaned up and set up camp. The next day, Cora and her Pokémon decided to train for a week before heading off to Pewter City.


A week had come by and most of Cora's Pokémon evolved. Gail had evolved into a Pidgeotto, Shiny Magikarp into Gyarados (which she named Rory), Kenji into Frogadier and Caterpie (Papilio) into a Metapod and then a Butterfree. During the training days, Cora managed to capture a Nidoran couple, a female Pikachu and a Weedle who soon evolved into Kakuna and then a Beedrill, Alain got a Scyther and Mairin caught a Caterpie as well. Soon Mairin's Caterpie evolved into Metapod and then a Butterfree (Bira).

When the week of training and relaxing was up, it was time to head to Pewter City. They packed up and healed all of their Pokémon. They returned them to their Pokéballs except Kilala and Chespie before heading out.


The gang were walking along the path but stopped when they heard a scream. They ran towards the scream and saw Ash and Pikachu with Misty up in a tree.

"Misty? Pikachu? Ash? What the heck is going on?" Cora questioned.

"IT'S THAT!" Misty shouted as she pointed in a certain direction.

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