Cora Joy vs. The Nature-Loving Princess

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On their way to Celadon City, the gang decide to take a rest and have a short break. And they weren't alone, when a Mankey came out of nowhere and sniffed the rice ball in Cora's hand, he took it and ate it. Cora had to admit that Mankey looked cute as he ate the rice ball. Soon it was time to leave, but apparently Mankey didn't want Cora to leave and asked if he could go with her. Cora didn't mind that and let Mankey come with her.

{A/N: Don't worry, this isn't the same Mankey that Ash angers. This is a different one}


Now our heroes arrived in Celadon City for Cora's fifth gym badge, they are currently on a break. Mairin smelt something nice and sniffed the air. Cora and Alain sweat dropped at her expression.

"... Erm, what's up with you, Mairin?" Cora asked.

Mairin ignored the question and continued to sniff the air, smelling a nice fragrance, not too far from where they were standing.

"Perfume..." Mairin said, "And lovely ones too. I want to check it out. Can we?"

Kilala sniffed the air, "Espe espeon espe. (A perfume store must be nearby.)" She said.

Cora shrugged her shoulders, "Sure..." She accepted.

Mairin beamed, "Yeah!"

The gang headed towards the perfume store that had a strong scent coming from it.

Kilala sniffed the air for a second, "Espe, espeon espeon. (Wow, lovely and strong fragrance.)"

Cora smiled, "That's right."

"Yeah!" Mairin rushed inside, fast.

Alain sweat dropped a bit, "And there she goes." He looked at Cora, "You're not going?"

Cora frowned, "To be honest I have nothing against perfume... it's just that. I honestly have no idea why girls are crazy over them, but everyone has something they like." She smiled. "Mairin has more sense than me in this stuff."

Alain's lip twitched, into a small smile, "Didn't you tell us that your mother's birthday is coming up?" He asked.

"Yeah." Cora replied.

"Maybe you can get her something from the perfume store." Alain suggested.

Cora nodded, "Good idea." She agreed with a smile.


So Cora and Alain entered the Perfume Store, they saw Mairin trying different perfumes. The two chuckled at how happy she looked as she tried them on. Then Cora and Alain began looking at the perfumes. After looking at a few of them, Cora couldn't really decide what would be a good one for her mom.

"We should get some help." Alain suggested.

"Yeah, I'm clueless about this kind of stuff." Cora agreed.

"Maybe I can help you?" A voice spoke from behind them.

Cora immediately turned around and stepped back. She and Alain turned and saw a woman with green eyes and wearing traditional kimono and hair. Cora knew that this woman was Erika, Celadon City's gym leader.

"Oh sorry about that." Erika giggled, "I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I'm the Manager of the Store."

"Oh." Cora said, "Actually yes. My mother's birthday is coming up and I'm looking for the right one for her, since she likes perfume. I have absolutely no idea about perfumes."

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