Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon

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Cora and her friends camped for a while to rest, losing Ash and his friends in the process. They've traveled through a desert which led them to Neon Town where people were downright hostile. The reason why was because businesses were opened all day and night which made people unable to get a decent night's sleep. Luckily, they were able to get a hotel room for the night.

The next day, they come across a Jigglypuff who couldn't use 'Sing'. Cora recognized that the Jigglypuff was the same one from the show who sometimes meets up with Ash and his friends and uses 'Sing' and makes them fall asleep. Seeing that the Pokémon was having trouble with her 'Sing' attack, so the gang decided to help the balloon Pokémon.

Cora brought out Shayla (Clefable) to help Jigglypuff learn 'Sing'. Shayla and Jigglypuff went to another part of the forest where the gang wouldn't hear them. Soon afterwards, Jigglypuff was able to learn 'Sing'.

Then Cora asked Jigglypuff for a favor which was to use 'Sing' and make everyone in Neon Town go to sleep. Jigglypuff used 'Sing' and the people of Neon Town went to sleep. Afterwards, Jigglypuff asked Cora if she could come with her, and Cora agreed. And so, Jigglypuff joined Cora's team and named her 'Chantel'.


They have now arrived at Grampa Canyon. Somehow, they met up with Ash and his friends. Cora remembered this part of the episode. She was concerned about the Aerodactyl that will come into play. But she'll be annoyed when Gary shows up. But this is also when Togepi's egg will be found.

As the gang approached Grampa Canyon, they noticed a bunch of people everywhere carrying backpacks, pickaxes, etc. much to the gang's confusion, except Cora.

"What's going on down there?" Ash asked.

"I wonder what everybody's doing with those picks and shovels." Misty pondered.

"I think they're...searching for fossils." Cora said.

"Fossils? What for?" Misty wondered.

"Fossils carry a trace or piece of an organism from the past, like a skeleton, shell, or a leaf preserved in the earth." Alain explained.

"I see, they're searching for fossils of Pokémon that existed way in the past!" Brock concluded.

"Yep." Cora nodded.

"It sounds fun. We should look for some, too!" Mairin suggested.

"I'm in." Alain accepted.

"Might be fun." Brock smiled.

"We might get lucky and actually find something." Ash commented.

"Then we should definitely do it." Misty agreed, getting excited.

"Why hello, Ashy." A familiar arrogant voice said.

The gang turned and saw the annoying grandson of Prof. Oak, Gary Oak.

"Esp. Espeon. (Of course. He has to be here.)" Kilala groaned.

"Gary, I'm not all that surprised that you're here." Cora said, calmly.

"Of course, a great trainer like me has heard of the great fossil rush." Gary bragged.

Kilala snorted.

"Gary, Gary, he's our man! If he can't find them, no one can!" Six cheerleader girls cheered as they waved their pompoms in the air.

"You gotta be kidding me." Mairin said, disbelief.

"He has cheerleaders with him?" Alain whispered to Cora.

"Yup." Cora popped the 'P'. Then sighed, "He's going to be even more annoying now."

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