The Start of the Journey

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Cora, Kilala (Special Espeon), Talia (Altaria) and Alise Joy (Cora's Mom) were outside the Viridian City Pokémon Center. Cora was now ten years old and was ready to head out on her Pokémon journey. Cora Joy had long light shade of pink hair tied in a half ponytail letting the rest of her hair down and light blue eyes. She wore a pink shirt sleeve shirt, a jean jacket with a hoodie, jean shorts, light blue knee-high canvas shoes with white shoelaces, pink belt and a pink backpack. Cora and Kilala were excited about the start of their journey. They were all set to head towards Pallet Town where Prof. Oak is.

"So do you have everything?" Alise Joy asked.

"Don't worry, mom. I have everything." Cora replied.

"Cora, I just want to let you know that I'm proud of you." Alise said.

"Thank you, mom. I promise that I'll do my best." Cora promised.

Alise smiled, "I know you will." Then she bent down and petted Kilala on the head, "You look after Cora for me, Kilala."

"Espe!" Kilala trilled.

Then Cora and Kilala mounted Talia and soon flew off towards Prof. Oak's. Alise watched them until she could no longer see them.


Soon enough, they arrived at Prof. Oak's, hopefully before Gary wakes up. Cora walked up to the door and knocked. She heard footsteps coming towards the door and Prof. Oak opened the door.

"Cora, good morning! I knew that you would arrive early." Prof. Oak greeted.

"Anything to avoid Gary." Cora commented.

Prof. Oak chuckled, "I see. Well then, follow me." He instructed.

Cora followed after him into the lab. As they walked in, they noticed the table that had three Pokéballs on it. The first one had a leaf sticker, the second had a water sticker, and the third had a flame sticker. Then the two saw Prof. Oak bring out a few things.

"Before I give you your Pokédex, I got you something." Prof. Oak took out a Pokéball from his coat pocket and released the Pokémon: Froakie.

"Wow! A Froakie!" Cora beamed.

"Prof. Sycamore only had two trainers going out today. Froakie was the only one who wasn't chosen. He thought you would like Froakie on your team." Prof. Oak explained.

"Wow." Cora smiled and bent down in front of Froakie, "Hello Froakie, would you like to join my team?" She asked as she held her hand out to the Frog Pokémon.

Froakie looked at her hand and then back at her. Froakie smiled and placed his hand in her hand. The two shook hands.

"Welcome to the team. I'll name you, Kenji. Do you like that?" Cora asked.

"Froak!" 'Kenji' agreed, smiling.

Cora smiled as well. Then Kenji jumped onto her shoulder and nuzzled her cheek.

"Then it's settled, Kenji will be raised by you, Cora." Prof. Oak confirmed.

"Thank you, Professor." Cora thanked him.

"Alright then, let me give you a few things before you head out." Prof. Oak said, picking up a tray from a table, "Here's your bracelet with a Key Stone, a Mega Stone for Talia, Jackal and Nuri and a smartphone."

"Really? You're giving me three Mega Stones and a Key Stone?" Cora questioned, shocked.

"Yes. I know that Talia, Jackal and Nuri want to Mega Evolve. So Prof. Sycamore sent these items as a gift." Prof. Oak answered.

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