The Battle For The Badge

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The gang were back in Viridian City and were now walking towards the Viridian Gym.

Cora stopped and stared up at the entrance of the gym, "The Viridian Gym."

"Inside is an Earth Badge with your name on it, Cora, Ash." Brock said.

Cora nodded with a smile, "Oh yeah."

They walked up to the front, seeing two guards in front of the doors. But then Cora stopped before going up the steps. She felt a shiver go down her spine.

"Cora, what's wrong?" Alain asked.

"I don't know. But somehow I feel uneasy." Cora replied.

"What do you mean?" Ash asked.

Just then the gang heard a noise and turned to see Gary and his cheerleaders had arrived.

"Oh great." Cora and Ash muttered.

The car stopped right next to them.

"Still playing with your little Poképals, aye Ashy?" Gary taunted.

"Hello Gary. Not surprised to see you here." Cora said, dryly.

Alain glared at Gary.

"I thought you finally gave up on catching and training Pokémon. I figure you went back to Pallet. But here you are, still at it." Gary insulted, cockily.

Cora and Ash's friends glared dangerously at Prof. Oak's grandson.

"So what are you here for?" Gary asked.

"My eighth badge." Cora replied.

"Same." Ash added.

Gary smirked and showed them his ten badges, "Beat this."

"You still think you have what it takes to be a Pokémon Master?" He taunted Ash and then turned to Cora, "And you should just stick to becoming a Pokémon Nurse. That's what you'll always be. You don't got what it takes, Cora."

"Cora is a hardworking trainer who deeply cares about her Pokémon. She earned those badges with hard work, teamwork, and determination from her and her Pokémon." Alain stated, glaring heatedly at Gary who slightly flinched at his glare.

" Alain stated, glaring heatedly at Gary who slightly flinched at his glare

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"Yeah, she and Ash managed to beat all seven gym leaders." Misty added.

Gary scoffed, "Whatever, I'm battling this gym first."

Then Gary walked past them and entered the gym with his cheerleaders. Knowing that they won't allow the others in, Cora suggested that they head to the Pokémon center for a break.


So the gang were at the Pokémon Center, taking a break while having a few snacks.

"I can't believe it's been a year since we all meet." Mairin said.

Brock chuckled, "That's normal, because it's easy to ignore the fact that time flies by so quickly when you're enjoying your good life."

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