The Water Flowers of Cerulean City

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Cora, Alain, Mairin and the Pokémon had arrived in Cerulean City. They went straight towards the Pokémon Center to take a break from walking and heal their Pokémon while getting supplies. Afterwards, they headed towards the Cerulean gym.

Cora's eyes landed on a crowd around what looked like an electronics shop, the cop car's siren in the air as it was parked in front of the establishment.

"Hm? I wonder what happened." Mairin commented.

With that, the three jogged over and made their way through the crowd. A bunch of officers were on guard, keeping the crowd out while others were investigating the scene.

"Excuse me," Cora asked the man next to her, "Do you know what happened here?" She asked politely.

"Some burglars broke into that store last night," he answered.

"Burglars?" Alain repeated.

"What do you know about burglars?" A familiar voice asked.

Cora looked forward and saw Officer Jenny scrutinizing them carefully.

"You three look very suspicious to me." she said, one hand under her chin, the other on her hip.

"Aren't you...the motorcycle officer from Viridian?" Cora questioned, knowing she was just a sister to that Officer in Viridian.

"Huh? Ohh, you must have met my sister-in-law!" Jenny said with a smile before turning to look at Cora, arms crossed as she stared at Cora, "Wait a minute, are you Cora Joy, daughter of Nurse Joy in Viridian City?"

"Yup, that's me!" Cora confirmed, "By the way, this is Alain Sycamore and his little sister, Mairin."

The Sycamore siblings waved at her.

"Pleasure to me you. My sister-in-law has talked a lot about you." Officer Jenny stated,

"So what happened here, Officer Jenny?" Alain asked.

"There was a burglar here last night." Officer Jenny replied.

"What exactly did they steal?" Cora asked.

"That's the strange thing about it," Officer Jenny said, crossing her arms in confusion. "They didn't take any money. Just a massive vacuum and a giant hose."

"That is rather odd." Alain commented.

Cora knew that it was Team Rocket, but having it said like that made it seem silly.

"What would anyone want that stuff for?" Mairin questioned.

Cora shrugged, "Who knows? Anyways, we better get going. See ya later, Officer." She said as she waved while she, Alain and Mairin walked away.

"See ya later and have a good day!" Officer Jenny waved back.


The gang were heading towards the Cerulean gym. Cora looked at the map on her phone, looking for the building marked on the map.

"Cerulean City Gym," She looked to the other side, "Cerulean City Gym," she took a right. "Should be right around here somewhere." She said.

The trio stopped when they spotted the dome roofed building with carousel coloring and a giant Dewgong on the front.

Cora sighed as she entered and had to watch Misty's three sisters do their synchronized swimming show.

Cora sighed as she entered and had to watch Misty's three sisters do their synchronized swimming show

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