Ditto's Mysterious Mansion

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After the events with the Biker Gang, Cora and her friends continue their journey. The gang was walking along the path to Cinnabar Island when they saw some clouds were gathering.

"A storm?" Alain asked.

As soon as she said that it began to pour down on them making them run for it to find shelter.

"Let's get out of this!" Cora decided as they ran along the path, hoping to find some shelter.

"Where can we go?! We're in the middle of nowhere." Mairin pointed out.

Alain spotted something ahead of them, "Guys look!"

Looking in the direction she was pointing to, they saw it was an old looking house in the middle of nowhere.

"I don't like the looks of it." Mairin commented.

"That'll have to do, let's go!" Cora said.

They all went inside the house shaking the water off of them.

"Hello? Sorry for barging in!" Cora called out.

"Is anybody here?" Mairin called out.

The gang walked further in and noticed a stage that had a sign above that read "IMITE HOUSE" on it.

"It looks like some kind of theater." Alain said.

Mairin nodded, "Yeah."

"Well, since nobody's around, we might as well stay here until the rain stops." Cora suggested.

"Good idea." Alain agreed.

Soon, Kilala noticed something.

"Espe! (Look you guys!)" Kilala said.

Everyone turned to Kilala and Chespie and saw another Chespin right in front of Chespie.

"Where'd that other Chespin come from?" Alain asked.

The other Chespin was coping everything that Chespie was doing.

"Espe espeon (Interesting little Chespin)." Kilala commented.

"How cute!" Mairin squealed as she went over to the other Chespin and picked it up, "Hi there!"

Mairin's happiness soon turns to surprise and shock when she noticed that the Chespin's face was different from Chespie's. She dropped the Chespin, "What is this?! What's wrong with it?!"

"What's your problem?" Cora asked.

"That Chespin doesn't look right!" Mairin pointed at the Chespin.

Everyone looked and saw what Mairin meant. The Chespin in front of them had a different face.

"Could this be...a Ditto?" Cora questioned as she knelt down in front of it.

"A Ditto?" Mairin asked, curious.

Cora scanned the Pokémon.

[Ditto, a Transform Pokémon. It is able to rearrange the cells of its body and assume any form. Its only attack is Transform.]

The weird looking Chespin transformed into a pink blob with a smiling face.

Cora smiled back as she petted Ditto, "Squishy."

"So it is a Ditto." Alain concluded.

They heard someone giggle, "You're actually the first to figure that out."

They turned towards the source of the voice to see a girl with green hair that was in two ponytails, red shirt, and purple pants. Cora recognized her as Duplica.

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