1: It's Like a Work of Art

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ωαяиιиg: Excessive Swearing, Excessive use of the word "fuck(ing)", People under the age of 23, Cliche plot set-up, Milfs

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You don't think you're that shitty of a human being. Sure, there was that one time you caught a baseball at a live game in front of a young boy, and everyone expected you to give it to him. Instead, you flipped him off and said: "Fuck off, kid."

Not your finest moment, you'll admit. But that was almost three years ago!


On the down side, you haven't improved much as a person.

But it's not like you're a completely bad person. There are certain things in life that you absolutely cannot stand. Such as: homophobia. Racism. Cis, straight, white men. Cops who happen to be cis, straight, white men. And other important crap in the world.

At the moment, however, your worst vice is challenging you, daring you not to just say fuck it and throw hands...

"Ms. [L/n]!" A student, whose name you didn't bother to remember because he's so fucking annoying, raises his hand, "Can you help me with this, please?"

God, you just fucking...

You just fucking hate kids.

What's worse?

You're a fucking teacher's assistant.

Your expression remains neutral as you head to the back of the room to help the student... Uhm... You think his name is... Chad?

Anyway, you tend to ask yourself the same question every morning:

Why are you a teacher's assistant if you hate children so much you consider manslaughter every fucking morning?

Well, the answer is quite simple, actually.

"[L/n]," The hottest milf teacher in [your area] Arizona smiles at you when you pass by her desk, "Can you grade these papers when you're done helping Brad?"

You almost cry on the spot. You hold back that urge and just smile and nod instead. "Sure thing, Ms. Taxi."

No, the hot milf is not named Taxi. You can't really recall how it all started, but it was definitely given to her the year you had her class when you were in high school.

Now Taxi is what the youngsters call, a milf. And you wouldn't consider yourself a raging, horny, bisexual...


You're twenty-three, single, and you've been trying to fuck the hot teacher for the past six years now. It started ever since you had her as a teacher for your Creative Writing class in your Senior year of highschool. That's literally why you went to University to get a bachelor's degree in Education.

You wanted to be a teacher so you could fuck.


It's not really working out for you. You've been working for her for a year now, and you haven't gotten closer than kissing her hand. And now the school year is ending soon in a week.

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