20: I'll Call the Shots

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【ωαяиιиg】: Excessive Swearing, Excessive use of the word "Fuck(ing)", Men, EVERYONE is a bitch, [Y/n] is the normal person for once

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Poor May was stuck underneath you since you decided to lay down on him. He doesn't actually mind it though: May loves cuddling and your weight on him was comforting to the blue-nose pit-bull. It would be more appropriate to say "Poor Max and Heart" because they also wanted to be laid down on and felt left out.

This is why in a few minutes, you were more or less pushed onto the floor and now all three of your dogs were lying down on you. They're big babies and so their collective weight was actually very heavy but you didn't push them off. You accepted your fate and death via dog-pile sounded a lot fucking better than what the hell was going on in your room.

They've been talking in low voices, too low for you to hear. Though occasionally, you'll hear Jeff shout a swear and Tim yelling at him to shut the fuck up.

You'll admit that they're funny sometimes.


Here's the fucking issue though.

You still need to fucking pee.

Maybe you'll bug your neighbor to ask if you can use her bathroom. She hates you because she hates your pets, but she also likes you because you'll sometimes give her leftover food whenever you accidentally cook too much, or when Jeff doesn't like the food you make and refuses to eat it. Mind you, your food doesn't taste bad, Jeff is just picky as fuck and has the palate tolerance of a child addicted to Chicken Tenders.

You start to lightly pat your dogs, "Alright, get off, babies. I need to go to the bathroom."

They do not listen to you because they do not speak English.

Whatever, you don't need to pee that bad. You drop your arms with a sigh, staring up at the white ceiling with boredom. At least your chest is not heavy with anxiety anymore as long as you ignore your problems and don't think about it.

You don't know how long you've been waiting for them to finish talking, it feels like forever (two minutes), but you can't wait anymore. You push away your dogs gently, but firmly, sitting up with furrowed brows. You stand up and dust off your front, noticing the dog hair that collects on your shirt. They've been shedding more than usual lately, you suppose it's going to be time to give them all a bath and proper grooming soon?

"Max, Heart, May. Stay." You command quietly.

They look up at you with them big ol' puppy eyes but do as they're told. You nod mostly to yourself, walk to your front door, and quietly leave. It's only 8 pm, she must still be awake at this time, right?


"So, that's it then," Ticci Toby sighs in slight irritation, cracking his neck to the side spontaneously.

No one pays this any mind.

"It's better than the alternative," Eyeless Jack shakes his head, "Better keep this on the down-low, otherwise I fear more of our friendly murderers will show up one by one. My prediction is that Sekido will be next."

Masky frowns, "Why him?"

"Right, I never told you guys about this, but the night Jeff was gutted and brought into Miss [Y/n]'s home, I was confronted by Sekido. Apparently, he... he holds a great deal of affection for her."

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