19: And On that Note: Fuck You

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【ωαяиιиg】: Excessive Swearing, Excessive use of the word "Fuck(ing)", Men, Ticci Toby is a bitch, Animal safety at risk

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"Ugh, great. This is exactly what we fucking needed," Jeff scowls.

"How did you get in? I made sure to secure all the windows a while ago, and the vases would've fallen or shattered if you tried to climb through," Masky mutters.

Ticci Toby snorts, "She left the front door unlocked."




"I suppose since we were all here, she didn't feel the need to lock it," Eyeless Jack sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "And I see you've made friends with Baby."

"Is that the cat's name?" Ticci Toby looks down at her, "She's really nice, you know. The cat, I mean. She just stared at me and let me pick her up. Must've been raised in a nice, loving home."

The three men had to agree, unfortunately. You might be a major douche-bag, but you dote on your pets as if they were your source of life. The only time they might've ever seen you as a loving person was towards your three dogs and cat.

"It'd be a shame if Baby were to die so suddenly and mysteriously..." Ticci Toby hums, gently running his fingers so he delicately petted her neck. "Such a cute kitty, too."

Ah, well that'd be no good. Out of all your pets, Jeff actually likes Baby the most. She would always lay on you or him whenever you two were chilling side by side in your room. Or if you were writing on your bed next to Jeff who was playing a game, Baby would be snuggled up on his side because she loves to cuddle. Your dogs are cute too, but he has a soft spot for the cat.

Masky clenches his fists, "Do not-"

"Really? Killing defenseless cats?" Jeff deadpans, trying to play it cool, "Is that what you've resorted to?"

Ticci Toby shrugs, "I'm not below it if that's what you're getting at. I mean, it's not my cat."

"Look into her eyes and tell me you can kill her."

Ticci Toby raises a brow, and just to humor the other, he does as instructed. Baby's eyes are fully dilated, leaving only a thin ring of orange around her large, black pupils. She was purring at the affection and her little tongue was sticking out.

She looks... so... head empty.


Shit, this is a cute cat.

Baby's blinking is uncoordinated.


"Fine." Ticci Toby sighs, dropping Baby without care, "I'll leave the cat alone."

Baby lands on four feet with a quiet noise, trotting to the bed and jumping up. She gets comfortably on Jeff's lap, and he can't help but pet her.

What a good cat.

"Whelp, I guess I'll just stay here until she gets back," The brunette grins under his mask, "You guys have no objections, right? I mean, the sooner I kill her, the-"

"-No." Masky narrows his eyes, "That's not happening. Leave. Now."

"Aren't you being too obvious?" The intruder shakes his head, "If you have a problem with this, then take it up with Him. I'm just following orders."

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