17: Domestic Life Sucks Ass

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【ωαяиιиg】: Excessive Swearing, Excessive use of the word "Fuck(ing)", Men

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Tim scrunches his nose while he slowly and methodically slices the potatoes on the cutting board. He can't believe he was quickly reduced to a house-wife. You had practically ordered him to help you with lunch on this fine Sunday afternoon, berating him how he had been a lump of uselessness ever since he moved in two weeks ago.

Which... Okay, yes. It's true.

If Tim wasn't accompanying you whenever you leave the house, he was in the room with Jeff just insulting him at a distance because the man with black hair couldn't exactly get up and do anything about it.

And if Tim wasn't doing all that, then he was out of the house late at night, to either go to the mansion, or to cutely kill a person to two. Of course he got questions about his whereabouts all the time, and the others were getting increasingly more suspicious of him.

Worst came to worst when finally, the Operator had questioned him about where he had been staying as of late.

He could've died that night because you really have been rubbing off on him in the worst way possible. He ALMOST said:

"Domestic life is hard, sir."

Luckily, he managed to bite his own tongue hard enough that he started to bleed. This confused the Operator for a moment long enough for Tim to come up with a fib to say.

But it's true! Domestic life is hard!

"Why are you so fucking slow?" You huff right behind him, pressing against his back because you're a bad bitch like that, "Do you not like using knives?"

...If only you knew...

"Uh, I just don't wanna mess up,"

You sigh, "Do we need to have a sexy moment where I'm all up in your space and guide your hands from behind to teach you how to cut a fucking potato?"





"Well, I'm not going to say no."

You snort, moving away from him, "Just hurry it up, Tim."

He sighs. Why do you never follow up when you threaten him with "sexy moments?" Still, he does his best to speed up his cutting anyway. Yes, he is experienced with a knife, but he was trying to dumb himself down in precaution so you didn't see how good he actually was.

What if you asked him if he knew how to cook? He'd have to lie and say yes, but then you'd probably ask him to prove it which would fuck him over.

Domestic life is tough.

"Oh, we'll be eating in my room," You tell him, stirring the chicken you had frying on the pan, "I bought this game the other day and Jeff said he wanted to play it with me so that's what we're gonna do."

Tim frowns, "You're bonding with Jeff?"

You roll your eyes, "Ew, don't say it like that. You know, I really thought you guys would get along better than this. It's like you're just waiting to kill each other."

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