2 - guess i'll have to date isaac

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SUMMARY: After not getting any of your hints, you agree to go on a date with Isaac. That doesn't sit right with Derek.

WARNINGS: jealous Derek hehe, alcohol consumption


Trying to flirt with Derek was like trying to talk underwater. A person could hear you, tell that you were trying to say something, tell them something important, but they just could and would not understand.

For months now, in and out of your chaotic lives, you had given Derek countless hints about liking him. Of course, nothing direct, because you had a secret crush after all. However, it seemed no longer a secret to the rest of your friends.

''If you don't ask him out, I swear to God, I'll tell him myself,'' Stiles complained, as the two of you walked inside the kitchen of Derek's loft.

You were making yourself a drink, pouring a tiny bit of alcohol in, and putting it back inside the cabinet.

''And if you do so, I'll find a way to strangle you, slash your throat, carve your heart out, and feed it to some hungry dogs, Stiles,'' you listed your response.

''Who are we doing that to?" Derek wandered inside the kitchen, a serious look all over his face.

''Me,'' Stiles smiled confidently and looked at Derek directly.

''Good,'' Derek agreed and walked next to you.

It seemed that he had the same idea of having an alcoholic drink during the last hour of the meeting.

''You know, you shouldn't really drink on the job. I know you become all sorts of crazies when you drink,'' you teased, nudging him in the side, which earned you a quick glance and nothing more.

''You're doing the same, aren't you?'' Derek replied cooly and looked at you before walking out of the kitchen.

Taking in the few seconds of his response, you turned around to face Stiles.

''Don't even say anything. Just don't,'' you replied in a high-pitched and annoyed voice.

Stiles shrugged, biting his lip.

''All I'm saying is that maybe he-''

''Maybe he hates me and I'm starting to be fine with that,'' you replied and chugged half of your drink down. ''Let's get this meeting over with.''

When most people had already gone outside, leaving only you, Derek, Stiles, and Isaac behind at the loft, you walked over to the music player and switched the song to something more upbeat, and turned up the volume. You had grown tired of the dull atmosphere around you.

''What are you doing to the music?'' Derek asked bluntly, as a pop song surrounded the area.

Rolling your eyes, you avoided looking at Derek and headed straight for the kitchen, enjoying the sound of the song. Since the meeting was already concluded, there was no reason not to have another drink. Normally, you would have offered to make one for Derek, but, even though conflicted, decided not to.

''Hey, another one?'' Isaac's voice hummed next to me and I sighed.

''Not you judging me, please,'' you teased back.

''No, not at all,'' Isaac replied immediately and smiled at you. ''I know you make a mean drink.''

You giggled to yourself, having poured the drink and put everything back in its place. You knew Derek hated to see a mess left behind anywhere in the loft. You placed the glass close to your lips and tasted it. You were pleased with it.

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