20 - the good ol' one bed trope

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SUMMARY: After a fight with your family, you go to Derek's loft for comfort. Is that the right moment to reveal how you feel about him?

WARNINGS: as the title says - sharing the bed trope, fluff


You often found comfort with the crew, as you had been together for years now, crying and laughing together over countless things and discoveries made. But with some things, you tended to be more private, such as family matters. No one knew about the times you cried to yourself after an argument or just a bad day. You had a bad habit of keeping those things to yourself.

It had just been a regular argument that you had no chance of winning. Something that your sibling would never get blamed for. You were held to different standards. Every grade you brought home had to be perfect.

Pacing around your room yet again, you considered several things.

Going to the nearest gas station and getting some hot dogs?

Running around the woods like a rabid dog that even the strangest creatures wouldn't dare to bother you?

Stealing your parent's car and driving out of Beacon Hills for a spontaneous road trip?

Somehow, the third option seemed the worst.

Of course, you could always text Lydia, as she was a good friend to talk to. But you were never there to talk about those sorts of things and you weren't the type of person to just randomly open your bottle of emotions and spill all over someone. The second option started to sound more rational.

Rationality wasn't considered, however, when you unlocked your phone and went through your recent messages, landing on certain someone.

Your last exchange included a confirmation about the group's plans. The two of you didn't really chat conventionally. When you got together, you spent time well, but Derek wasn't one to eagerly text someone. Despite this, as you sat on the edge of your bed, your fingers began typing a message.

You Are you doing anything right now?

You immediately received a phone call. Very typical for Derek to call instead of text. You could hear the concern in his voice, as he spoke.

''You all right?'' he questioned.

''Yeah, yeah,'' you responded quietly, hoping that your parents couldn't hear it. ''I just- need to get out... Feel stuck in my room.''

Derek paused only for a second.

''I'll pick you up then,'' he responded.

You smiled, seeing as the barely thirty-second phone call had already lightened the mood. The others, of course, would have answered as well. Stiles would have invited you for a game or midnight gas station food. That was nice and the two of you were close, knowing each other's hidden thoughts and feelings.

So, of course, he also knew about your feelings toward Derek.

The night air was chilly as you stormed out of your family's house, the echoes of a heated argument still ringing in your ears. Frustration and anger fueled your steps as you walked onto the quiet street. Soon, the familiar sound of Derek's car made you inhale. Of course, you had asked him to pick you up slightly away from your house. Your parents didn't need to worry that you were getting into his car. Let them imagine it was Lydia or Stiles.

Derek stepped out of the car and began walking toward you. He observed you and took a deep breath.

''You weren't doing anything?'' you asked, hoping to break the silent observation of yourself.

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