21 - headcanons for derek's secrets

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SUMMARY: Headcanons for little things no one else but you knows about Derek.



- Derek has a soft spot for animals, especially dogs, so when you suggest getting one for the two of you (not that there aren't enough DOGS around), he's head over heels

- he's a surprisingly good cook, but, yet again, doesn't show that to everyone. You are extremely surprised to come home one day and find him in the kitchen, with your favourite playlist in the background, and preoccupied with the food

- one of Derek's favourite memories is meeting you, as he instantly fell for you right there

- Derek has a complex relationship with Beacon Hills and his thoughts on the town. Even though it has a weird supernatural history, he has sentimental value for the place

- not that ANYONE EVER should know, but he loves to cuddle

- undoubtedly Derek's love language is quality time. He loves to just be with you whatever you're doing, especially just listening to you talk about your day

- he's an expert comforter after nightmares or panic attacks, however, it doesn't come easy or immediately. At first, he's not used to comforting someone and just provides physical help and himself next to you. After a while, he realizes just how important and valuable his words and touch are to you

- he loves to hear you laugh, even though he's not always one to do so. Of course, he gets a little jealous if it's his uncle or someone else who makes you cackle out loud

- yeah, Derek is quite a jealous person, but that's not such a secret. God help whoever decides to flirt with you, ESPECIALLY if the two of you are already in a relationship

- his heart breaks when you are bad to yourself, whether emotionally or physically. He's going to be there to comfort you and tell you otherwise

- if the situation arises that the group knows about Derek's crush on you, THEY WILL TEASE THE HELL OUT OF HIM! Not that it crosses your mind, of course, that Derek could like you, but it drives him nuts

- and when the time for the confession comes, he's beyond nervous

- and GOD FORBID someone points out how nervous he is around you. Just makes him want to tell you about his feelings sooner, so the suffering would end

- Derek does not believe in astrology, but if you do, he might check in once in a while to see what it says and just surprise you with some information. After all, he's still in the supernatural world


- do not tell anyone!!

- after a long day, the best thing to do is to give him a back massage- HE LOVES THEM

- the one secret, however, that you do not know is his plan of proposal. That's just for him to know and surprise you

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