18 - the way she does everything | part 3

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SUMMARY: After days of keeping out of your way, Derek is finally contemptuous of you leaving despite the pain that comes with it. Mystery after mystery, the night is full of surprises.

WARNINGS: cursing, violence, mentions of violent relationships, some minor stuff about season 2


People noticed Derek's behavior, as it was no longer just being quiet and mysterious, but avoidant and, specifically, of anything other than the group's necessity to defeat the Kanima. So anytime your name merely brushed past anyone's lips, Derek tensed. He felt broken inside and he knew exactly why. Avoiding you for days, even when he could hear your heartbeat and listen to your beautiful voice when he passed by Scott's house, hurt him.

''All right, dude,'' Stiles said, as they stood in the parking lot by Beacon Hills High School. ''What's going on?''

''What?'' Derek asked in a tone that seemed like he wanted to rip Stiles apart. He did not. Derek was just angry with himself and the world, as per usual.

''You're acting weird,'' Stiles replied, shrugging. ''More weird than usual. Scott's noticed that too.''

''Yeah. I have...'' Scott added, appearing by Stiles' jeep and Derek's car out of nowhere. ''And I know why.''

Scott's voice seemed to be just as tense as Derek's, but for a different reason. He did not want Derek falling for his sister, knowing how unstoppable that force would be, how Derek would do anything for you, to keep you safe and by his side. But he also knew that Derek's life was a danger to yours. Scott also knew that it was too late. He could see how Derek felt about you and how that affected him.

''Okay. And you're keeping me out of it?'' Stiles protested, but Derek shot Scott a dangerous look.

Scott shook his head and leaned against the jeep.

''Whatever. She's going home,'' Scott told, directly looking at Derek. ''She'll be gone in the morning.''

As Stiles opened his mouth in shock, finally the puzzle pieces fell into place, and Scott urged him to drive off. They left Derek alone in the parking lot, completely defeated.

Wasn't that something he wanted? For you to disappear. For the distraction, as he tried to convince himself that you were, to go away. He had been avoiding you for days and, finally, when you would leave in a bit more than twelve hours, Derek didn't know what to do.

Until he knew what to do. In a very his way of doing things.


Although Scott and Stiles had appeared home for a bit to ravage through the fridge and play a few games with you, as per usual, they disappeared, driving off in Stiles' jeep. You were alone again. Besides them, you didn't really have anyone here. Of course, it was nice to see mom and talk about things. But no one was holding you back from going back home.

But you wouldn't be going back to your old boyfriend. No. After having night talks with your mom about it, she advised you to avoid him. Avoid him like the fieriest bits of hell.


''A person like him wants nothing but the pain in your life... and he doesn't even know it,'' your mom told you as the two of you sat on the couch, the dark night surrounding you. ''Or maybe he knows and that... asshole-''

You chuckled with tears in your eyes.

''He was and is an asshole,'' you added.

''So you never, EVER see him, talk to him, let him use you again...'' she comforted you. ''It's good that- that you realized that soon enough and not... stuck with him for years.''

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